Primary LanguagePython


The PyTorch implementation of SRCNN for single image super resolution.

The following entry was written based on this repo.


  • torch
  • torchvision
  • pillow
  • tensorboardx
  • googledrivedownloader

Data preparation

You can use General-100 dataset through a script. Change your directory to ./data and run general100.py. It will download dataset from Google Drive and split the dataset into train/val/test randomly. The split ratio is (train, val, test) = (8, 1, 1).

$ cd ./data
$ python genaral100.py


You can train the model through train.py.

$ python train.py

If you have a GPU, you should set the --cuda argument. It does not support multiple GPUs and data parallelization.

$ python train.py --cuda


Run test.py. You must specify the location of .pth file and a directory to save the results.

$ python test.py --weight_path ./runs/your/model/weight.pth --save_dir ./want/to/save/ --cuda