
Where a Linux sys-admin's perinoid scripts are collected.

Primary LanguageShell


Where a Linux sys-admin's perinoid scripts are collected.

Project goals : to build sandcastles (metaphorically speaking) against tides that atempt to wash away privacy. Thanks should be given to those that aided in this script pack's development, links to those documents that where interagle in educating the authors of this script can be found within the [info] directory.

See the Read_Me.txt file and project wiki for command line and script editing instructions.

Not all features compleat!

What does this script do?

Simply put, this a installation and configuration script bundle that is inspired from Whonix and other virtualization techniques for security and compartmentalization. This script accepts arguments in the form of [-arg='...'] or [--argument='...'] and if understood preforms the commanded action. If a command is not understood errors and helpfull documentation will display to aid users in completing the installation processes next time around. Pipes maybe used such as [-arg="$(comand)"] by sourounding the piped command with dubble quotes. Additionally entire variable files maybe loaded via [-vf=/path/to/vars] or [--var-file=/path/to/vars] to avoid having to learn this script's syntax for other arguments. Tor, firejail, firetools, nginx, privoxy, polipo, squid, bind9 are all currently available to install or re-configure through the use of [-A=application] or [-A=app1,app2] option and selecting installation method maybe chosen via [-I=source] or [-I=apt-get] or [-I=safe] or [-I=experiment] options.

What does this script not do?

This script does not check host system for vurnablilaties or malware, nor does it make any geronty of increased security or privacy. In fact depending on arguments passed you make make your location easier to obtain, ie running an exit or bridge Tor node publishes your external IP address to others that nead to connect. This is because "privacy" and "anyonimity" are goals with many ends. Some users of these networks are more concerned with helping others acheive privacy so will run a bridge, exit, or relay depending upon preferences and legal ramifications others are more concerned with personal privacy or anonymity of friends so will instead opt for client or private bridge setup.

No licences just yet, and no warranties or geronties of any kind.

Use at your own risk

Quick start guide for Sandcastle.sh

Make a download directory if not already there and clone source

mkdir -p ~/Downloads/GitSources
cd ~/Downloads/GitSources
git clone https://github.com/S0AndS0/Perinoid_Linux_Project
chmod +x Perinoid_Linux_Project/Sancastle.sh
cd ~

Print help documentation

# General help
bash ~/Downloads/GitSources/Perinoid_Linux_Project/Sancastle.sh -h
# Spiciffic help for "Check_host_enviroment" function
bash ~/Downloads/GitSources/Perinoid_Linux_Project/Sancastle.sh --help=Check_host_enviroment
# Spiciffic help for "Check_host_enviroment" & "Arg_checker" functions
bash ~/Downloads/GitSources/Perinoid_Linux_Project/Sancastle.sh --help=Check_host_enviroment,Arg_checker

Install Tor as client with privoxy squid and bind9 local DNS server

bash ~/Downloads/GitSources/Perinoid_Linux_Project/Sancastle.sh --var-file='client_tor_install_vars.sh'