
Project functions, see Documentation and Travis-CI reports

Primary LanguageShell

Code issues & Markdown formatting statistics

Version Code Climate Build Status Documentation

The version is the main script's version number combined with last date that the authors of this project have tested operations and is provided by Shields.io. The Code Climate is an over all grade of both code & documentation found within this project. And is provided by Code Climate. The 'Build Status'es are provided by Travis-CI and which runs tests scripts called within the .travis.yml file and reports of any bugs within this project's main script normal usage scenarios. Build scripts used for Travis-CI auto-build checks can be found under the .travis-ci directory. Which shows exsactly which features of this project are fully working in much the same styling.

Project goals (generalized)

Provide automated encryption & decryption via GnuPG to logging services & users

See Paranoid_Pipes_Scenario_One.md for detailed instructions on how to set this up for Nginx or Apache2 web server logging. See further documentation that include the word Scenario for other applications that this project maybe applied to easily.

Provide template(s) of script-able interactions that use GnuPG

See Documentation/ReadMe.md file to find further listed examples as well as helper scripts found under Script_Helpers that enable more features of this project or help setup this project for contribution.

The core ideals held within this script's design

Your data should be yours and only those you have authorized to access it should be allowed access. Furthermore, your data should be unreadable to those that do gain unauthorized access.

Usage examples

The following examples maybe used for custom setups and usually involve two sets of commands issued to the script to setup both encryption and decryption. Find all documented command line options within Paranoid_Pipes_CLO.md for further information.

Write customized encryption copy script

 --enc-pipe-file="${PWD}/Encryption_Named.pipe" --help

Modify the *-recipient command line options above and remove --help once ready to take action instead of displaying current command line option values. The above will write a customized script spicific for encryption and auto start it if executable. The customized script maybe called on boot without providing any further command line options if desired to have encryption options always available to the loged in user.

Write customized decryption copy script

 --dec-bulk-check-count-max="1" --help

Modify the --dec-pass to point to your passphrase file location and remove the --help command option to write customized script instead of displaying current command line option values. The customized script maybe called without providing additional command line options to decrypt logs, directories, or files encrypted by the customized encryption script.

ReadMe.md Copyright notice

    Copyright (C) 2016 S0AndS0.
    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
    the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 published by
    the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being
    "Title page". A copy of the license is included in the directory entitled

Link to title page

Link to related license