
Notify is a Go-based assistance package that enables you to stream the output of several tools (or read from a file) and publish it to a variety of supported platforms.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


FeaturesInstallationProvidersUsageRunning NotifyNotesJoin Discord

Notify is a Go-based assistance package that enables you to stream the output of several tools (or read from a file) and publish it to a variety of supported platforms.



  • Supports for Slack / Discord / Telegram
  • Supports for Pushover / Email
  • Supports for Microsoft Teams / Google Chat
  • Supports for File / Pipe input
  • Supports Line by Line / Bulk Post
  • Supports using Single / Multiple providers
  • Supports Custom Web-hooks
  • Supports Custom data formatting


notify -h

This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

Flag Description Example
-bulk enable bulk processing notify -bulk
-char-limit max character limit per message (default 4000) notify -cl 2000
-config notify configuration file notify -config config.yaml
-data input file to send for notify notify -i test.txt
-delay delay in seconds between each notification notify -d 2
-id id to send the notification to (optional) notify -id recon,scans
-msg-format add custom formatting to message notify -mf Hey {{data}}
-no-color disable colors in output notify -nc
-provider-config provider config path notify -pc provider.yaml
-provider provider to send the notification to (optional) notify -p slack,telegram
-proxy http proxy to use with notify notify -proxy
-rate-limit maximum number of HTTP requests to send per second notify -rl 1
-silent enable silent mode notify -silent
-verbose enable verbose mode notify -verbose
-version display version notify -version

Notify Installation

go install -v github.com/projectdiscovery/notify/cmd/notify@latest

Provider Config

The default provider config file can be created at $HOME/.config/notify/provider-config.yaml and can have the following contents:

  - id: "slack"
    slack_channel: "recon"
    slack_username: "test"
    slack_format: "{{data}}"
    slack_webhook_url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXXX"

  - id: "vulns"
    slack_channel: "vulns"
    slack_username: "test"
    slack_format: "{{data}}"
    slack_webhook_url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXXX"

  - id: "crawl"
    discord_channel: "crawl"
    discord_username: "test"
    discord_format: "{{data}}"
    discord_webhook_url: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXX"

  - id: "subs"
    discord_channel: "subs"
    discord_username: "test"
    discord_format: "{{data}}"
    discord_webhook_url: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXX"

  - id: "tel"
    telegram_api_key: "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
    telegram_chat_id: "XXXXXXXX"
    telegram_format: "{{data}}"
    telegram_parsemode: "Markdown" # None/Markdown/MarkdownV2/HTML (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#formatting-options)

  - id: "push"
    pushover_user_key: "XXXX"
    pushover_api_token: "YYYY"
    pushover_format: "{{data}}"
      - "iphone"

  - id: email
    smtp_server: mail.example.com
    smtp_username: test@example.com
    smtp_password: password
    from_address: from@email.com
      - to@email.com
    smtp_format: "{{data}}"
    subject: "Email subject"

  - id: "gc"
    key: "XXXXXXXX"
    token: "XXXXXX"
    space: "XXXXXX"
    google_chat_format: "{{data}}"

  - id: "recon"
    teams_webhook_url: "https://<domain>.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/xx@xx/IncomingWebhook/xx"
    teams_format: "{{data}}"

  - id: webhook
    custom_webhook_url: http://host/api/webhook
    custom_method: GET
    custom_format: '{{data}}'
      Content-Type: application/json
      X-Api-Key: XXXXX

Running Notify

Notify supports piping output of any tool or output file and send it to configured provider/s (e.g, discord, slack channel) as notification.

Send notification using piped(stdin) output

subfinder -d hackerone.com | notify


Send notification using output file

subfinder -d hackerone.com -o h1.txt; notify -data h1.txt

Send notification using output file in bulk mode

subfinder -d hackerone.com -o h1.txt; notify -data h1.txt -bulk

Send notification using output file to specific provider's

subfinder -d hackerone.com -o h1.txt; notify -data h1.txt -bulk -provider discord,slack

Send notification using output file to specific ID's

subfinder -d hackerone.com -o h1.txt; notify -data h1.txt -bulk -id recon,vulns,scan

Example Uses

Following command will enumerate subdomains using SubFinder and probe alive URLs using httpx, runs Nuclei templates and send the nuclei results as a notifications to configured provider/s.

subfinder -d intigriti.com | httpx | nuclei -tags exposure -o output.txt; notify -bulk -data output.txt

Provider Config

The tool tries to use the default provider config ($HOME/.config/notify/provider-config.yaml), it can also be specified via CLI by using provider-config flag.

To run the tool with custom provider config, just use the following command.

notify -provider-config providers.yaml

Notify Config

Notify flags can be configured at default config ($HOME/.config/notify/config.yaml) or custom config can be also provided using config flag.


  • As default notify sends notification line by line
  • Use -bulk to send notification as entire message/s (messages might be chunked)


Notify is made with 🖤 by the projectdiscovery team.