NixOS Flakes Personal Configuration

This repository contains my personal configuration for NixOS, using the Nix Flakes feature.

Initial Setup

To get started with this configuration on a NixOS system, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to a folder of your choice, e.g., ~/nixos-config:

    $ git clone ~/nixos-config
  2. Enable experimental Nix features, such as nix-command and flakes, by adding the following to your NixOS configuration:

    nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ];

    Now you're ready to use Flakes to manage your NixOS setup!


  1. cd into the cloned nixos-config folder (e.g.):

    $ cd ~/nixos-config
  2. Copy the default configuration and hardware configuration of your current build to the /hardware/{systemName} directory:

    $ sudo cp /etc/nixos/ ./hardware/{systemName}

    Warning: Make sure to rename your hardware-configuration.nix to something meaningful and update the flake.nix configuration accordingly.

    For example:

    # Define NixOS configurations
    # Usage of mkSystem: mkSystem "name of the hardware configuration file under hardware/"
    nixosConfigurations.nixos = mkSystem "vm" {  # Binds hardware/systemName/ to this configuration
      user = "s0pex";  # Specifies the user for the configuration; this option is used to load the configs from users/user
  3. To apply the configuration, run the following commands:

    $ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .

    Warning: Currently, this configuration assumes that your host is called nixos. If your system's hostname is different, make sure to specify nixos when running the flake commands or adjust the configuration accordingly.