42 Projects to learn C programming, develop simple software using algorithms, discover access to the file system, and learn management of the UNIX process. Some projects require knowledge about network architecture and system administration.

Primary LanguageC++


🌱 LA PISCINE 2021.03 - 2021.04

🌱 42 CADET 2021.05 - PRESENT

Project list

Common circle

00 My Library C Library Makefile Linked list 462 XP sokim's 42 Libft Score 2021-05-20
01 Network Network network IP network layers DHCP 462 XP sokim's 42 netwhat Score 2021-05-27
01 Readline C file descriptor 882 XP sokim's 42 get_next_line Score 2021-05-31
01 Printf C variadic arguments character parsing Library Makefile 882 XP sokim's 42 get_next_line Score 2021-06-13
01 VirtualBox Network virtualization Linux ssh UFW sudo crontab 577 XP sokim's 42 Born2beroot Score 2022-02-12
02 2D Game C game graphics minilibx library 1000 XP sokim's 42 so_long Score 2022-01-29
02 Pipe C pipe fork process 1142 XP sokim's 42 pipex Score 2021-07-06
02 Algorithm C algorithm stack radix sort data structure 1855 XP sokim's 42 push_swap Score 2022-03-02
03 Mini Bash C pipe process fork bash builtins signal ast 2814 XP sokim's 42 minishell Score 2022-05-04
03 Philosophers C process thread mutex semaphore dining philosophers problem 3360 XP sokim's 42 Philosophers Score 2022-06-05
04 C++ Practice C++ object oriented programming class polymorphism inheritance abstract class template casts exception 9660 XP sokim's 42 CPP Module 08 Score 2022-07-14
04 3D Game C 3d game raycasting map parsing vector rotation matrix 5775 XP sokim's 42 cub3d Score 2022-09-11
05 Web Server C++ web server socket programming multiplexing http cgi request method response 10042 XP sokim's 42 webserv Score 2022-11-02
05 STL Containers C++ data structure memory management exception safety red black tree STL template meta programming SFINAE 10042 XP sokim's 42 ft_containers Score 2023-02-12
05 Docker Docker container Docker Docker Compose Dockerfile mariaDB wordpress nginx shell script 10042 XP sokim's 42 Inception Score 2023-03-07
06 Pong Online NestJS, React websocket jwt OAuth 2FA http login docker server api database 24360 XP sokim's 42 ft_transcendence Score 2023-05-16

Outer circle

Data Structure Workshop C linked list array stack queue deque binary search tree graph sort minimum spanning tree dijkstra floyd prim kruskal 2022-01-21 ~ 2022-03-18


🚀 badge42