
A single rasa nlg server for all rasa chatbot

Primary LanguagePython


  • Make sure you have set up git and github repo for the project and have heroku cli installed for your specific os
  • Create google sheet api. Ref Analytics Vidya
  • Save the API json in your project folder and make sure to add it to .gitignore


  • heroku login
  • heroku create rasa-nlg
  • set env variable GSHEET_KEY in your heroku app and the value will be the entire dictionary presnt in your json file
  • git push heroku main
  • Check logs for build

Automate deployment:

  • You can go to deploy tab in your heroku app on broweser
  • Connect to github (Deployment Method)
  • Serach for repo, corresponding branch and enable automatic deployment.
  • So next time you push to repo app will be automatically deployed.

Automatic Ping:

  • We all know heroku apps sleep after 30 min of inactivity hence we can ping it to prevent from sleeping
  • Go to https://kaffeine.herokuapp.com/
  • Put name of your your app, and you are done!!
  • e.g http://rasa-nlg.herokuapp.com

Finally you can put this as your endpoint in your rasa bot. e.g:


url: https://rasa-nlg.herokuapp.com/nlg

How to remove your app from Kaffeine