This library scrap the public data from official stores of many countries like:
- 🇫🇷 France
- More soon ... (🏴, 🇺🇸, ...)
Install Node.js
- RaspberryPiNotif (class)
- storesNames (property) - Array of all available stores names
- checkStock (method) - Check stock from a single store
- storeName (string) - Name of the store to check his stock
- gb (number) - OPTIONAL, Ram size of the raspberry Pi (2, 4 OR 8), if no gb given it will get information stock for every ram sizes
- delay (number) - OPTIONAL, by default 500 ms, delay in ms between each requests
- @return - Array of objects that contains informations about the stock
- checkStockGB (method) - Check stock for the Raspberry Pi 4 X GB from every available stores.
- gb (number) - Ram sizes of the Raspberry Pi you want to check
- @return - Array of objects that contains informations about the stock
Checking official stores from the Raspberry Pi Website