
This nexus plugin provides a way to authenticate/authorize your users based on Github.

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Nexus3 Github OAuth Plugin

This plugin adds a Github realm to Sonatype Nexus OSS and enables you to authenticate with Github Users and authorize with Github Orgs and Teams.

The plugin does not implement a full OAuth flow, instead you use your github user name + an OAuth token you generated in your account to log in to the nexus. This works through the web as well as through tools like maven, gradle etc.


1. Activate the Realm

Log in to your nexus and go to Administration > Security > Realms. Move the Github Realm to the right. The realm order in the form determines the order of the realms in your authentication flow. We recommend putting Github after the built-in realms: setup

2. Group / Roles Mapping

When logged in through Github, all organizations and teams the user is a member of will be mapped into roles like so:

organization name/team name e.g. dummy-org/developers

You need to manually create these roles in Administration > Security > Roles > (+) Create Role > Nexus Role in order to assign them the desired priviliges. The Role ID should map to the organization name/team name. Note that by default anybody is allowed to login (authenticate) with a valid Github Token from your Github instance, but he/she won't have any priviledges assigned with their teams (authorization) - see the config property github.org if you want to change that behaviour.



The following steps need to be done by every developer who wants to login to your nexus with Github.

1. Generate OAuth Token

In your github account under Settings > Personal access tokens generate a new OAuth token. The only scope you need is read:org

2. Login to nexus

When logging in to nexus, use your github user name as the username and the oauth token you just generated as the password. This also works through maven, gradle etc.


0. Prerequisites

Directory naming convention:

For the following commands we assume your nexus installation resides in /opt/sonatype/nexus. See https://books.sonatype.com/nexus-book/reference3/install.html#directories for reference.

1. Download and install

The following lines will:

  • create a directory in the nexus / kafka maven repository
  • download the latest release from github
  • unzip the releae to the maven repository
  • add the plugin to the karaf startup.properties.
mkdir -p /opt/sonatype/nexus/system/com/larscheidschmitzhermes/ &&\
wget -O /opt/sonatype/nexus/system/com/larscheidschmitzhermes/nexus3-github-oauth-plugin.zip https://github.com/larscheid-schmitzhermes/nexus3-github-oauth-plugin/releases/download/1.2.0/nexus3-github-oauth-plugin.zip &&\
unzip /opt/sonatype/nexus/system/com/larscheidschmitzhermes/nexus3-github-oauth-plugin.zip -d /opt/sonatype/nexus/system/com/larscheidschmitzhermes/ &&\
echo "mvn\:com.larscheidschmitzhermes/nexus3-github-oauth-plugin/1.2.0 = 200" >> /opt/sonatype/nexus/etc/karaf/startup.properties

2. Create configuration

Create /opt/sonatype/nexus/etc/githuboauth.properties

Within the file you can configure the following properties:

Property Description Default
github.api.url URL of the Github API to operate against. https://api.github.com
github.principal.cache.ttl Java Duration for how long a given Access will be cached for. This is a tradeoff of how quickly access can be revoked and how quickly a Github user's rate limit will be reached for the Github User API. Note: Github Enterprise does not have a rate limit! PT1M (1 Minute)
github.org The Organization the user should be a member of. If this is not set anyone with a Github account is allowed tot login. ----

This is what an example file would look like:

github.api.url=https://github.example.com/api/v3 #note: no trailing slash!!!

3. Restart Nexus

Restart your Nexus instance to let it pick up your changes.


You can build the project with the integrated maven wrapper like so: ./mvnw clean package

You can also build locally using Docker by running docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data -w /data maven:3.5.2 mvn clean package

You can build a ready to run docker image using the Dockerfile to quickly spin up a nexus with the plugin already preinstalled.


The whole project is heavily influenced by the nexus3-crowd-plugin.