MSR Approaches for Software Architecture – a Systematic Mapping Study

This is the replication package of the systematic literature review submited to the IST journal (under review). The reposiroty contains all the material required for replicating the study, including: a complete list of papers, and all the data analysis phases.

It has been designed, performed, and reported by the following researchers:

- Mohamed Soliman (Paderborn University, Paderborn, Germany)
- Ivano Malavolta (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, S2Group - The Netherlands)
- Michel Albonico (Federal University of Technology, Paraná, IntelAgir - Brazil)
- Andreas Wortmann (University of Stuttgart, ISW - Germany)

For any information, interested researchers can contact us by sending an email to any of the investigators listed above.

Repository Structure

The directory is structured as follows:

    data/final_map.csv     Spreadsheet with the thematic analysis.       

This repository is licensed under MIT license.