
This is a graphical user interface designed to allow users to read and manipulate the Sakila DVD Rental database using specialised views that are dedicated to certain parts of the database.

Primary LanguageJava


First clone the repository onto a local folder:

git clone https://github.com/S3BzA/Sakila/

Then compile and run the program using the ANT build system and Java 17:

ant run

Note the following environment variables need to be defined:

  • dvdrental_DB_PROTO: The database protocol (only jdbc:mariadb supported)
  • dvdrental_DB_HOST: The address of the database
  • dvdrental_DB_PORT: The port where the DBMS is hosted (optional)
  • dvdrental_DB_NAME: The name of the database
  • dvdrental_DB_USERNMAE: The database user
  • dvdrental_DB_PASSWORD: The password for the user