
Primary LanguageHaskell

{- What is this?

its a tetris clone, i really dont think i need to explain what tetris is as it is in the top 3 of best selling games in the world
and in the rare event that you haven't heard of it, welcome to earth, you must be new here, enjoy your stay!

i expect a LOT of bugs, and so should you!

{- Controls

still controls are up to the interpretation of the author so here they are:

-arrow keys to move piece around
-x : rotate piece left
-c : rotate piece right
-z : store/unstore piece
-space : slam piece down
-q : exit


{- Why did i even create this?

I wanted to code tetris, that is all

well not actually, while a major part, i write code mostly in order to improve my abilities
this project is no different, thanks to the Functional Programming community on discord for helping me
and i hope that i will be able to find as well as give help there in the future, because i do plan on leaving the "beginner" state behind me!


{- Info About The Tetris Game



levels controls how fast a tetromino falls, start at level 0 which is a cell fallen every ??? frames
level 29: maximum level, tetromino's fall a cell for every frame
levels advance for every 10 lines cleared (not to confuse with 10 line-clears)


40 * (l + 1) for the single line clear
100 * (l + 1) for the double line clear
300 * (l + 1) for the triple line clear
1200 * (l + 1) for the quadruple line clear (a tetris)
1 for every cell fallen by holding the down key
where l = current level


when a movement key is pressed, the piece will instantly move one grid cell, stop for 16 frames due to delayed auto-shift,<br>
before moving again once every 6 frames (10 times a second, as the game runs at 60 fps)<br>


{- Plans For The Future

A lot of stuff is not implemented, and i am very aware, i wanted to make a somewhat playable game first
here is a list of all that i am aware of as of now:

[ ] Use actual original rotation points for tetrominos, the I and O types rotate around a point i picked, in the future i will rotate them around their actual canon points

[ ] better and/or accurate scoring

[ ] nerf storing and unstoring pieces (honestly i just rushed out this release forgetting i had to do that)

[ ] Making the UI pretty

[ ] Save highscore

[ ] Settings to save/load +defaults (maybe just a .json file?)

[ ] Music and other SFX

[ ] A menu (corelated with settings)

[ ] Frame based input, right now its one press one action, so probably move the handling to gameLogicLoop

[ ] Overall better code, hopefully with the help of FP Discord community this project will be able to serve as an example of learning and good code for other beginners.

[ ] Overhaul to the GameState record type and its accompanying functions, i feel like there is a ton of lost potential there