
A simple tcp style socket for Bluetooth Low Energy for Linux using purely Bluez 5.36 DBUS API

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


A simple tcp style socket for Bluetooth Low Energy for Linux using purely Bluez 5.46 DBUS API with C++

Basic Idea

Bluetooth programming ist very hard with Bluez - especially the missing documentation and tutorials. The beginning of learning a new technologie is the Hello World but this is very difficult without an example or a tutorial. This project shall provide a easy playground to send arbitrary data over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 4.0) characteristics - similiar to Nordic Semiconductors Uart Service (NUS).

The project has two goals:

  1. Understand programming Bluetooth Low Energy by providing an example
  2. Providing a code basis to be customized and embeded it into you application (if you need another licence contact me).

Pattern Explanation


When programmin with tcp socket often the following pattern is used for handling tcp connections: For a easier understanding and programming every method is synchronously.

A class handling the server socket, we call it connector:

  1. create tcp socket
  2. await incoming connection
  3. start new connection
  4. goto 2.

A second class handling the connection

  1. create and start a new thread (by connector)
  2. establishes connection
  3. perform application handshake
  4. handles application logic
  5. close connection


Of course udp sockets are simpler - we can handle incoming packets one by one - or we can use a similiar patter: (Of couse outgoing packets are send over the same udp socket used in the connect) (Not really easy but with the right interfaces, threading, caching and synchronisation it provides a similiar programming logic.)


  1. create udp socket
  2. await incoming packet
  3. if no connection for source address + port exists: goto 3.1 else goto 3.2 3.1 start new connection handling packet 3.2 give already existing connection the incoming packet
  4. goto 2.


  1. create and start a new thread (by connector)
  2. establishes connection (by handling the packet)
  3. perform application handshake (by receiving packets from connector 3.2)
  4. handles application logic (by receiving packets from connector 3.2)
  5. close connection (not really necessary with udp - only the thread finishes)

Bluetooth Low Energy

Unfortunately Bluetooth Low Energy provides a mixture of both. Messages are received asynchronously but peripheral and central devices are connected by connections. Furthermore peripherals are the server and central devices are the clients. But in most Sensor/Act[ua|o]r networks data is send from a peripheral device to a central device to be processed.

This leads us to the following paradigma: connections are established by the spatial locality of a peripheral device to a central device. Resulting in interpreting a BLE advertisment as a request to connect - the connection itself is started by the central device.

We use the following pattern for BLE4.0 then: (fortunately a peripheral cannot advertise and be connected to a central at the same time) (for simplicity some steps are missing)


  1. start discovering Bluetooth peripherals
  2. await advertisments
  3. on advertisment received start new connection
  4. goto 2.


  1. create and start a new thread (by connector)
  2. establishes connection by: 2.1 check available services and characterstics 2.2 if needed services and characteristics are available: goto 2.3 else goto 5. 2.3 register notifications (connection is established) goto 3.
  3. perform application handshake
  4. handles application logic
  5. close connection

For all (tcp, udp, BLE) technologies a connector and a connection class shall be implemented a SimpleConnectorInterface and a SimpleConnectionInterface. This shall make the whole project even estensible to other technologies like ZigBee, Lora and so on.

API Explanation

My requirements for the api are that it is easy to use. Less is more and cleaning up broken connection should be performed automatically. For every technology a simple chat (star-topology) example is provided, where multiple client connect to a central server and chat with the server.

[bluetooth]# connect 00:1A:7D:DA:71:20
Attempting to connect to 00:1A:7D:DA:71:20
[CHG] Device 00:1A:7D:DA:71:20 Connected: yes
Connection successful
[CHG] Device 00:1A:7D:DA:71:20 UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 00:1A:7D:DA:71:20 UUIDs: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 00:1A:7D:DA:71:20 UUIDs: 6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e
[NEW] Secondary Service
	Vendor specific
[NEW] Characteristic
	Vendor specific
[NEW] Descriptor
	Client Characteristic Configuration
[NEW] Characteristic
	Vendor specific
[NEW] Descriptor
	Characteristic Extended Properties
[CHG] Device 00:1A:7D:DA:71:20 GattServices: /org/bluez/hci2/dev_00_1A_7D_DA_71_20/service000a
[CHG] Device 00:1A:7D:DA:71:20 Name: desktop #2
[CHG] Device 00:1A:7D:DA:71:20 Alias: desktop #2
[CHG] Device 00:1A:7D:DA:71:20 Appearance: 0x0104