Creating a one-way flight booker.
4 Dropdown menus to seach available flights
- departure airport
- arrival airport
- date
- number of passenger
Creating Airport model
- code (3 letters) + create seed to populate with airport data
Creating Flight model
- departure airport id
- arrival airport id
- start datetime
- flight duration
Seed database with flights
/flights as root route
Search form on the /flights index page using GET
Picking a flight
- Showing the search results below
- Rendering each search result with radio button
- Add submit button (hidden field for number of passengers)
- Passenger information
- Creating Booking model
- Creating Passenger model (name + email only)
- Make associations between Bookings, Passengers and Flights
- View getting flight id and passenger number parameters to render form which displays current date, airports, flight id and set of fields to enter personal information for each passenger