
This project is inspired by the world-famous Wolfenstein 3D game, which was the first FPS ever. It will enable you to explore ray-casting. Your goal will be to make a dynamic view inside a maze, in which you’ll have to find your way.

Primary LanguageC


This is a school project inspired by the world-famous Wolfenstein 3D game where I created a playable environment with the help of ray-casting algorithm and a school made graphics library called MinilibX a simple X-Window (X11R6) programming API in C.


How To Use

This project is able to work in both linux machine and our school's mac only. If you have a linux machine follow these steps. First you need to have MinilibX library follow this guide to install it. To get the project work properly in your machine run this script in your terminal.

>   ./configure.sh

Then compile the project.

>   make

You'll get an executable file called cub3D provided it with a map and that's it.

>   ./cub3D map.cub 

To take a screenshot provide the program with --save option.

>   ./cub3D map.cub --save

How To Play

You can move around using you keyboard's arrows or using the following keys W, A, S, D.


There's a configuration file that allows you to manipulate the game environment called map.cub where you can:

  • Change the window resolution, the unit is pixel.
    R 1000 700
  • Change walls' texture, each face has a specific texture NO, SO, WE and EA meaning North, South, West and East respectively.
    NO ./textures/greystone.XPM
    SO ./textures/mossy.XPM
    WE ./textures/eagle.XPM
    EA ./textures/redbrick.XPM
  • Change sprite which is an object that can be an obstacle and it's optional, notice that the file must be in XPM format.
    S ./textures/barrel.XPM
  • Change the color of the ceil and the floor, the colors must be in RGB format.
    C 77,80,140
    F 242,80,65
  • Change the game map as 2D map where 1 means a wall, 0 means an empty space, 2 means sprite object and N, S, W and E means a player and the direction he's facing.
    11110111 1110101 101111010001
    11111111 1111111 111111111111
