
S4 NetQuest scorm CRA template. Absolute imports, sass, bulma, SCORM API connector, SCORM packager, and our preferred directory structure.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


S4 NetQuest : scorm v1.0.1

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This custom Create-React-App (CRA) template is specific to the S4 NetQuest development process. It includes our most commonly utilized npm packages and project structure, in addition to a SCORM API connector and SCORM packager. The intended final delivery target for a React app built with this template is an LMS. Anyone is welcome to use this template, however it may change at any time without notice and with minimal regard to your use case (please fork your own version if you really like it). Here is what this template includes in addition to the CRA defaults:

  • Dependencies:
  • Custom NPM Scripts:
    • install-dev-deps ( install storybook, a number of storybook addons )
      • Run this command after CRA installs to install these devDependencies - these cannot be included in the custom template
    • build:stage ( runs a production build using the .env.staging file as environment variables )
    • build:scorm ( runs a production build and then packages the build directory for SCORM using the configuration in scoPacakger.js )
    • storybook ( runs storybook dev server )
    • build-storybook ( builds the storybook for deployment to a server )
  • Features
    • Sass compiles from any imported .sass file ( default src/style/index.sass is imported to src/index.js )
    • Bulma 0.8.0 sass files are included in src/style/bulma-0.8.0 and imported to project by default
    • Absolute imports from /src are enabled, relative imports are not necessary
    • Service Worker registration is set via an environment variable at build time REACT_APP_REGISTER_SERVICE_WORKER (1 or 0)
    • SCORM higher-order component built-in. props.sco will be passed to any component enhanced with withScorm()(TargetComponent)
    • SCORM packager run from npm scripts


  1. npx create-react-app PROJECT_NAME --template cra-template-s4netquest-scorm
  2. after install, run npm run install-dev-deps
  3. use _package-json-overrides.json to override the values in the created package.json file ( _package-json-overrides.json can then be deleted )
  4. begin working on your project
  5. to build for web, run npm build
  6. to bundle for SCORM, run npm run build:scorm