
Making data science cool again

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


S4DS discord bot which primarily serves for arXiv, kaggle and educational memes (using reddit) functionality.

This is a bot programmed entirely in python3 (Version 3.7+), primarily using discord.py (V 1.x(+) ), also known as the "Rewrite" version of discord.py.

Resources for discord.py :

github - https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py Documentation - https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

  • All dependencies listed in requirements.txt

Setting up the bot :

Step 1 : Login to discord on desktop.

Step 2 : Login to discord developer portal : https://discord.com/developers/docs/intro

Step 3 : 3.1 : From the top menu (Under "DEVELOPER PORTAL") click on "Applications".

3.2 : On the top right corner, click on "New Application". Assign a name to your application and finalize by clicking the "Create" button.

3.3 : Now you will be directed to the application configuration page. Make sure your bot application is selected.

3.4 : You can edit basic information in the default "General Information" tab.

3.5 : Navigate to the third option "Bot" and under the "Build a Bot" section click the "Add Bot" and finalise your selection. (Note, this is irreversible for that application.)

3.6 : Now, under the label "TOKEN", click "Copy" to copy the token and save it as the environment variable, `DISCORD-TOKEN`. 

3.7 : Check the following permissions : 
    v. MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT (To Be Enforced w.e.f 30th April, 2022)

3.8 : Now, go to the second option "OAuth2" and under label "SCOPES" select "bot".
      A new option "BOT PERMISSIONS" pops out where you can choose which permissions are checked when the bot is invited to a server.

      Copy the URL generated under "SCOPES" and paste it in address box of browser, and complete the OAuth2 Process.

Environment Variables / Config Vars :

The application/bot has the portability of being deployed either locally or to the cloud, ensured through a collection of environment variables, which also deal with other aspects such as database of choice, API tokens, credentials, etc.

  • DISCORD_TOKEN : Unique API Token for authenticating the bot's client with discord API.

  • KAGGLE_USERNAME : Username of kaggle user whose account has been used to issue API token.

  • KAGGLE_KEY : Unique API Token for interacting with kaggle's api.

  • REDDIT_CREDENTIALS : Credentials for interacting with reddit's api in json format.

  • PREFIXES_TABLE : Table storing unique prefixes for each server.

  • SUBREDDITS_TABLE : Table storing list of unique subreddits for each server.

  • AUTOPOST_TABLE : Table storing channel_ids of servers enabling autopost.

  • CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT : Specify local if deployed locally, any other string for otherwise.

    • If CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT set to local, set the following environment variables :
      • DATABASE_NAME : Name of local PostgreSQL Database.
      • DATABASE_USER : Name of the database role used for authentication.
      • DATABASE_PASSWORD : Password to be used for authentication.
    • If CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT is set to something else, set the follwoing environment variable :
      • DATABASE_URL : Connection arguments specified using as a single string in the libpq connection URI format : postgres://user:password@host:port/database?option=value. Typically, for cloud platforms like heroku, this is auto-configured and as such, shouldnot be tampered with.

Note :

  • Modify credentials / code accordingly case of any change in use of preferred database.
  • Changes are logged only during uptime.

So, following the above steps one can easily deploy the bot on a local machine or as a web application hosted on a cloud platform.