
⟠ A curated list of awesome Solidity resources, libraries, tools and more

Awesome Solidity

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A curated list of awesome Solidity resources, libraries, tools and more.

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  • Blockchain in Action - Book that teaches the essential principles of blockchain and how to create your own decentralized apps.
  • Mastering Ethereum - Mastering Ethereum is a book for developers, offering a guide to the operation and use of the Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, RootStock (RSK) and other compatible EVM-based open blockchains.


  • ChainShot - Hands-on learning with challenging coding tutorials.
  • OpenZeppelin/ethernaut - Ethernaut is a Web3/Solidity based wargame to be played in the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Each level is a smart contract that needs to be 'hacked'.
  • Eth Hole - Practice challenges for building portfolio, added to weekly.



  • create-truffle-dapp - CLI to create and deploy Truffle projects with no configuration.
  • dapp-bin - Ethereum repo providing implementations for many common data structures and utilities in Solidity, Serpent and LLL.
  • DApp development starter - Starter repository with Docker containers for building decentralized applications with Truffle and Node.Js as backend server.
  • dapp-scratch - CLI for generating javascript modules from Contracts for Decentralized Apps.
  • dappsys - Contract system framework for flexible multi-contract dapps.
  • DappTools - Command-line-friendly tools for blockchain development.
  • dmihal/hardhat-interface-generator - Hardhat plugin to automatically generate interfaces from code.
  • EthWorks/Waffle - Library for writing and testing smart contracts.
  • hifi-finance/prb-math - Smart contract library for advanced fixed-point math.
  • instant-dapp-ide - Complete Dapp and Solidity development environment as a docker image you can run from command line.
  • Modular Libraries - Deployed utility libraries to use in your smart contracts.
  • ocaml-solidity - OCaml library providing a parser, a typechecker and miscellaneous utilities for manipulating contracts.
  • OpenZeppelin - Framework to build secure smart contracts.
  • OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts - A library for secure smart contract development.
  • OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable - Upgradeable variant of OpenZeppelin Contracts, meant for use in upgradeable contracts.
  • optionality/clone-factory - Simple clone contract factory. Install a master copy of a contract, then easily (cheaply) create clones with separate state.
  • Smart Contracts Skeleton - Preconfigured skeleton repository for building or starting with development of Smart contracts.
  • Solidity Collections - Collections of code snippets and utility libraries.
  • Solidity Standard Library - Standard library (Array, random, math, string).
  • studydefi/money-legos - NPM package that provides you with the mainnet addresses, ABIs, and Solidity interfaces for popular DeFi protocols.
  • Truffle - Development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Ethereum.
  • truffle-assertions - Adds additional assertions and utilities used in testing smart contracts with truffle.
  • wbobeirne/eth-balance-checker - Smart contract and library pair that allows you to check for multiple ERC20 and Ether balances across multiple addresses in a single RPC call.
  • weiroll/weiroll - A simple and efficient operation-chaining/scripting language for the EVM.



  • Cryptofex - Standalone IDE and compiler.
  • Hardhat - Development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software.
  • Remix - Online realtime compiler and runtime.
  • raineorshine/solidity-repl - REPL CLI.
  • SIF - Code generation from the AST, analyse and instrument source code.
  • Smart Contract Sanctuary - A home for ethereum smart contracts, all verified smart contracts from Etherscan.
  • naddison36/sol2uml - Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram generator for smart contracts.
  • solgraph - Visualize control flows for smart contract security analysis.
  • sol-merger - Merges all imports into single file for contracts.
  • solidity-docgen - Documentation generator for Solidity projects.
  • Tenderly - Easily monitor your smart contracts with error tracking, alerting, performance metrics, and detailed contract analytics.


  • Echidna - Define properties for your smart contract then use fuzzing to catch security bugs.
  • Manticore - Detects many common bug types, and can prove correctness properties with symbolic execution.
  • Mythril - Security analysis tool for smart contracts.
  • ethereum/sourcify - Re-compiler that can be used to verify that bytecode corresponds to certain source code.
  • eth-sri/securify2 - Tool for analyzing smart contracts for vulnerabilities and insecure coding.
  • Slither - Static analyzer with support for many common bug types, including visualization tools for security-relevant information.
  • MythX - Detection for security vulnerabilities in Ethereum smart contracts throughout the development life cycle


  • Embark - Framework that allows you to easily develop and deploy DApps.
  • Moesif - Service that provides Ethereum smart contract analytics and anomaly detection for DApps and DAPIs.


  • solc-js - JavaScript bindings for the Solidity compiler.
  • solidity-parser - Solidity parser built in JavaScript.
  • sulk - Configurable contract compilation.


  • Soltsice - Generates strongly-typed TypeScript classes for contracts from Truffle artifacts with a single command.
  • TypeChain - TypeScript bindings for Ethereum smart contracts.



  • crytic/solc-select - CLI to quickly switch between compiler versions.
  • solhint - Solidity linter that provides security, style guide and best practice rules for smart contract validation.
  • Ethlint - Linter to identify and fix style & security issues in Solidity smart contracts.
  • sol-profiler - CLI tool to list & store solidity smart contract methods attributes.
  • sol-tester - Utilities for building, linking and testing contracts using go-ethereum and the simulated chain.
  • sol-verifier - Verify solidity smart contracts on Etherscan.
  • solidity-coverage - Code coverage tool.
  • truffle-plugin-verify - Truffle plugin to verify smart contracts on Etherscan from the Truffle command line.
  • Tenderly CLI - Speed up your development with error stack traces.


Editor Plugins







Visual Studio Code

👉 For a comprehensive list, see results for "Solidity" on Visual Studio Marketplace.



To the extent possible under law, Ben Kremer has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.