
Zoo Simulation

Primary LanguageJava


Welcome to our Zoo!

Known Vulnerabilities Codacy Badge

Check Code with Static Analysis Tools

  • Snyk monitors our code for vulnerabilities in the packages we include.
  • Codacy checks our code for common 'code smells' and recommends improvements.
  • Click the badges to learn more.


Test Coverage

Web App

A user interface (besides the console) would be nice. We voted on a web front end.

$ mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage
$ java -jar target/Zoo04Lab-1.0-SNAPSHOT

Keep Current - Upgrade to Java 17

5 steps to update (details below):

  1. Netbeans -> 12.5
  2. Java -> 17
  3. Windows Edit System Environment Variables (JAVA_HOME, path)
  4. pom.xml (already complete - verify our current versions)
  5. IDE project settings -> set compile to JDK 17

1) Upgrade Netbeans

  • Uninstall 12.4 (program available in C:\Program Files\NetBeans-12.4)
  • Download and install 12.5

2) Upgrade Java

Open Powershell as Admin and run this command to install Java 17. Must use --exact or -e. (winget works with install / upgrade / uninstall).

winget install Microsoft.OpenJDK.17 -e

Verify location on your machine, e.g., C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-

3) Edit System Environment Variables (JAVA_HOME and path)

Windows path must have exactly one JDK entry.

  • Hit Win key, Edit System Environment Variables.
  • Verify/add JAVA_HOME (mine is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-
  • Verify path includes exactly one Java entry - either %JAVA_HOME%\bin OR C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-\bin and no other JDK or Java entries.

4) pom.xml

These have been updated. Find these in pom.xml:

  • java.version = 17
  • junit = 5.8.1
  • maven - see different versions by plugin

5) NetBeans Project Compiler

Open NetBeans. Right-click our Project / Properties / Build / Compile / Java Platform

  • click "Manage Java Platforms", click "Add Platform", Type = Java Std Edition / Next
  • Locate your new JDK 17 (mine is in C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-, click Next. It will fill in the information. Click Finish, Close.
  • Back in the Java Platform dropdown, Select JDK 17.
  • Clean and build project to verify everything compiles. Try running ZooApp to verify.

4 Principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Encapsulation. Wrap code in good interfaces. Hide private data, expose publicly accessible methods.
  • Abstraction. Abstract general ideas that work for many, e.g. move is an abstraction of crawl, slither, fly.
  • Inheritance. Write once in a parent class and all the derived child classes get it for free.
  • Polymorphism. "Many shapes". One thing (e.g. move) can take many forms, e.g. a snake might move by slithering, while a bird might move by flying.

SOLID Principles (Wikipedia)

  • Single Responsibility Principle. Only one reason to change.
  • Open-Closed Principle. Open for extesion; closed for modification.
  • Liskov Substitution Principle. Use derived class just like base.
  • Interface Segregation Principle. Many client-specific interfaces.
  • Dependency Inversion Principle. Depend on abstract rather than concrete.