
TUI that can help manage /etc/fstab file

Primary LanguageC++

Fstab helper

Program written using ftxui that help's you manage|setup fstab file. If you remove|edit some entries from fstab, they will be stored in /etc/fstab_bak , so all disabled device values are recovered and showed on next start(if corresponding device plugged)

Load order

1 read /etc/fstab_bak

2 read /etc/fstab

so values from /etc/fstab always overrides values from /etc/fstab_bak


Screenshot of a program what it wrote to /etc/fstab
screenshot_2024-02-12-003702 screenshot_2024-02-12-003713


Download a linux binary and then chmod +x fstabWrapper it


Because of writing into /etc/fstab , this program need to be run with root priveleges(sudo) so run it with

sudo ./fstabWrapper

Or if you prefer to compile from source

run script

git clone https://github.com/SAANN3/fstab-Helper
cd fstab-Helper

or write a little more commands

  git clone https://github.com/SAANN3/fstab-Helper
  cd fstab-Helper
  mkdir build && cd build
  cmake ..

and program will be placed in ./build/fstabWrapper