Get a Hadith from the Sunnah while you're coding 💻 keep in touch with the Sayings and Teachings of the Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) 🕌💚
This extension contributes the following settings:
: Set notification timer. -
: Set extension language.
Go to File -> select -> preference -> settings
Search for "Hadith" and set your own Timer & Language:
- Default timer value is 20 minutes (Like the default pomodoro timer).
- Default language is Arabic.
Contributions are always appreciated!
Get random Hadith 🚀
Multi Language handled (Arabic | English) 🚀
Window | Linux | Mac Supported 🚀
- Auto-Start the extension when vsCode opened
Update Extension Icon 🛠
Add Licence 📜
</> With ❤️ By Saber