A curated list of awesome computer graphics.
- How to Become a graphics programming
- How to become a Graphics Programmer in the games industry
- so you want to be a graphics programmer
- 一个游戏是如何被设计和开发出来的
- 有哪些介绍游戏开发过程的纪录片或视频
- Water - collection of water simulation materials
- Lightning - collection of lightning simulation materials
- Post Processing - collection about post processing
- Global Illumination Across Industries - collection about Global Illumination
- Decal
- Atmospheric Scattering - collection about atmospheric scattering and volumetic light scattering.
- Shadow- collection about shadow
- Awesome gametalks
- Game Rendering - Image Enhancements, Level Geometry, Shadows ...
- Game Development Resource - A list of Game Development Resource to make magic happen
- Game Development Blogs - What are good game development/design blogs to follow?
- Graphics - Some Render Engine
- Paper Collection/Resource About Computer Graphics
- Intro to computer Graphics -
- Computer Graphics - ray tracing, animation, and so on at MIT in fall 2012
- Computer Graphics, Fall 2000 - Princeton University
- List of game engines - Game Engine or Render Engine List
- A study Guide for doing research in computer graphics - A list books that recommend to read for do research in computer graphics
- GPU Gems 1 Download
- GPU Gems 2 Download
- Nvidia 9.52 SDK - code samples
- Pysically Based Rendering
- Proland - Open Source Project
- Virtual Terrain Project - the creation of tools for easily constructing any part of the real part of the real world in interactive, 3D digital form.
- Ray Tracing In One Weekend - free minibook about writing a ray tacer from scratch.
- Game Studies - explore the rich cultural genre of game and give scholars a peer reviewed forum for their ideas and theories and provide an academic channel for the ongoing discussions on games and gaming
- Game From Scratch
- Books about Video Games - Bibliography: books about videogames
- Game Programming Patterns
- Geometric Tools - a library of source code for computing in the fields of graphics, mathematics, physics, and image anlysis.
- HTML5 Game Development
- Game Development
- Amit's Game Programming Information - shortest paths, AI, Tiles, Hexagons, Game Design, Scrippting...
- Self Shadow - collect a lot of usefull resource link.
- Matt's Webcorner
- Humus-3D
- Inigo Quilez - write a lot of great demoscene.
- Nathan Reed's coding blog