
🌌 A Particle Flow sim for a Space Nebula VFX in 3DS Max using Fume FX, Stoke MX, and Krakatoa MX

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Space Nebula VFX

A Particle Flow sim for a Space Nebula VFX in 3DS Max using Fume FX, Stoke MX, and Krakatoa MX.


The goal of this project was to create a particle sequence simulation in 3DS Max which could be used to create a visually stunning fictional Space Nebula animation.


The tools used to reach the resultare listed below::

  • 3DS MaxoFumeFX by SITNISATI
  • Stoke MX by AWS ThinkBox
  • KrakatoaMX by AWS ThinkBox
  • Adobe After Effects & Premier Pro

For detailed information, refer to the Project Description (PDF)