Implementation of MetaQNN (, with Additions and Modifications in PyTorch for Image Generation with Asymmetric Variational Autoencoders
i) Minimum no. of Conv./Wrn layers
ii) Maximum no. of Conv./Wrn layers
iii) No FC layer
iv) Search over latent space
i) Optional Greedy version of Q-learning update rule added for shorter search schedules (Greedy version being used because init_utility for initiliazation of utility value for all transitions difficult to be set in case of VCAE since there is no generic measure for VCAE performance)
def update_q_value_sequence(self, states, termination_reward, latent_size, flag):
states[-1].fc_size = latent_size
self._update_q_value(states[-2], states[-1], termination_reward, flag)
for i in reversed(range(len(states) - 2)):
# TODO: q-learning update (set proper q-learning rate in
# self._update_q_value(states[i], states[i+1], 0, flag)
# TODO: modified update for shorter search schedules (doesn't use q-learning rate in computation)
self._update_q_value(states[i], states[i+1], termination_reward, flag)
def _update_q_value(self, start_state, to_state, reward, flag):
if flag == 0:
if start_state.as_tuple() not in self.qstore_enc.q:
self.enum.enumerate_state(start_state, self.qstore_enc.q)
if to_state.as_tuple() not in self.qstore_enc.q:
self.enum.enumerate_state(to_state, self.qstore_enc.q)
actions = self.qstore_enc.q[start_state.as_tuple()]['actions']
values = self.qstore_enc.q[start_state.as_tuple()]['utilities']
max_over_next_states = max(self.qstore_enc.q[to_state.as_tuple()]['utilities']) if to_state.terminate != 1 else 0
action_between_states = self.enum.transition_to_action(start_state, to_state).as_tuple()
# TODO: q-learning update (set proper q-learning rate in
# values[actions.index(action_between_states)] = values[actions.index(action_between_states)] + \
# self.state_space_parameters.learning_rate * (reward + \
# self.state_space_parameters.discount_factor * max_over_next_states\
# - values[actions.index(action_between_states)])
# TODO: modified update for shorter search schedules (doesn't use q-learning rate in computation)
values[actions.index(action_between_states)] = values[actions.index(action_between_states)] + \
(max(reward, values[actions.index(action_between_states)]) -
self.qstore_enc.q[start_state.as_tuple()] = {'actions': actions, 'utilities': values}
elif flag == 1:
if start_state.as_tuple() not in self.qstore_dec.q:
self.enum.enumerate_state(start_state, self.qstore_dec.q)
if to_state.as_tuple() not in self.qstore_dec.q:
self.enum.enumerate_state(to_state, self.qstore_dec.q)
actions = self.qstore_dec.q[start_state.as_tuple()]['actions']
values = self.qstore_dec.q[start_state.as_tuple()]['utilities']
max_over_next_states = max(self.qstore_dec.q[to_state.as_tuple()]['utilities']) if to_state.terminate != 1 else 0
action_between_states = self.enum.transition_to_action(start_state, to_state).as_tuple()
# TODO: q-learning update (set proper q-learning rate in
# values[actions.index(action_between_states)] = values[actions.index(action_between_states)] + \
# self.state_space_parameters.learning_rate * (reward + \
# self.state_space_parameters.discount_factor * max_over_next_states\
# - values[actions.index(action_between_states)])
# TODO: modified update for shorter search schedules (doesn't use q-learning rate in computation)
values[actions.index(action_between_states)] = values[actions.index(action_between_states)] + \
(max(reward, values[actions.index(action_between_states)]) -
self.qstore_dec.q[start_state.as_tuple()] = {'actions': actions, 'utilities': values}
ii) Skip connections with WideResNet blocks, minimum and maximum conv layer limit and made some other search space changes for better performace
iii) Continuing from the previous Q-learning iteration if code crashes while running
iv) Running over single or multiple GPUs
iv) Automatic calculation of available GPU space and skipping of architecture if it doesn't fit
code for MNIST, CIFAR10 and STL; for other datasets dataloader has to be added to lib/Datasets/
pip install -r requirements.txt
Use python 2.7 and torch 0.4.0
Look at lib/ for the available command line options or just run
$ python --help
Finally, run
Look at plot/ for the available command line options or just run
$ python plot/ --help
Finally, run plot/ with the necessary command line arguments