🔠I’m currently working on FPGA vending machine
🌱 I’m currently learning VLSI ASIC Design
💬 Ask me about Implementation of the SHA-2 cryptographic hash algorithm using VLSI design principles for FPGA. Includes Verilog code, testbenches, and performance analysis."
📫 How to reach me sahilparmar3108@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VDV_36THVP1GyMj6SuN70EVCIqM6bRTS/view?usp=sharing] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VDV_36THVP1GyMj6SuN70EVCIqM6bRTS/view?usp=sharing)
This repository contains the Verilog implementation of a vending machine logic system.
- Supports coin accumulation and item selection.
- Dispenses items and calculates change.
- Error handling for insufficient balance.
- Modular design with reusable components.
: Verilog modules.testbench/
: Testbenches for simulation.docs/
: Documentation and design details.
Run the testbench using tools like Xilinx Vivado or ModelSim to verify functionality.
- Add debounce logic for button inputs.
- Support for multi-item vending.
- Integration with a display driver for real-time feedback.
Let me know if you'd like additional details or refinements for the code or repository!