
vending machine with functionalities like product selection, payment processing, and change dispensing. Developed for FPGA platform.

Primary LanguageVerilogMIT LicenseMIT

Hi 👋, I'm sahil parmar

A passionate Electronic Engineer from India , VLSI Enthusiast


Vending Machine Logic in Verilog

This repository contains the Verilog implementation of a vending machine logic system.


  • Supports coin accumulation and item selection.
  • Dispenses items and calculates change.
  • Error handling for insufficient balance.
  • Modular design with reusable components.

File Structure

  • src/: Verilog modules.
  • testbench/: Testbenches for simulation.
  • docs/: Documentation and design details.


Run the testbench using tools like Xilinx Vivado or ModelSim to verify functionality.

Future Enhancements

  • Add debounce logic for button inputs.
  • Support for multi-item vending.
  • Integration with a display driver for real-time feedback.

Let me know if you'd like additional details or refinements for the code or repository!

Connect with me:

sahil_parmar_31 s_a_h_i_l_31 sahilparmar31

Languages and Tools:

arduino aws c cplusplus docker linux opencv python tensorflow
