Sensor for consumption since last charge
GregorEstebanCardosoSchiller opened this issue · 3 comments
GregorEstebanCardosoSchiller commented
First of I appreciate you A LOT, this Add on is AMAZING. Only the above mentioned sensor would be nice so I can calculate the consumption per km/mile. Though the car is not always charged to max. How can I add a sensor respectively how can I tell mqtt to add get the info?
Tonno87 commented
Which gateway do you use? Python or java?
GregorEstebanCardosoSchiller commented
After some trial and error I got it done:
name: "Last Charge Ending Power"
state_topic: "saic/user-email/vehicles/VIN_Number/drivetrain/lastChargeEndingPower"
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
value_template: "{{ value }}"
nanomad commented
Values added in 0.6.0-rc5, but testing shows that they are unreliable as they get randomly reset by the car