Laboratório de Computadores / Computer Laboratories 2018-2019


Lab #2 Grade: 93/100
Lab #3 Grade: 94/100
Lab #4 Grade: 94/100
Lab #5 Grade: 70/100


Grade: 20
This was the first year a test was given as part of the CU's evaluation.
It was a simplified version of the mouse lab, there were only two questions, each one of 10 values.

Final Project

Project's Grade: 17

A NYAN GAME is a PvP starring the iconic characters Nyan Cat and Taco Cat. We did not implement the serial port.


Vitor Ventuzelos @BerserkingIdiot (


All the work presented in this repository is for educational porpuses, as well as demonstrating my approach to this course. I do not advise you to copy, the professors are very strict and have a very good algorithm for identifying code copied from a student that has already completed the course, and in case of foul play you may end up failing the curricular unit instantly. Do not cheat.