
This is a php website interacting with a mysql database that allows users to sign in, create, update, delete and view their todos.


This project uses a standalone executable file to run tailwindcss. To work with this project, you can either use nodejs and npm to install tailwindcss or download the executable from the github repo Github repo for executable file and copy it to the root of the application. Afterwards run this command --

./tailwindcss -i ./css/input.css -o ./css/output.css --watch


The table structure for the database is in the todo_list_1 file in the sql directory. The name of the database is same as the name of the file (todo_list_1). Remember to set the connection queries i.e dbhost and dbpassword to your own database's configuration.


I am a frontend developer whos into react, vue and Next js. This is the first php project i'll be working on. I'd love your reviews.

Am open to collaborations.

For questions or feedback, contact |