Project Name: AIR-K.O.
Version: 0.04 ALPHA
Date: 7-7-2019
Author(s): Sander Claassen
Project description: Timed buzzer for remind folks to switch off the airco before leaving the room.
- Aesthetically pleasing solution
- Give a visual and audio alarm when it's 17:00 hours
- Ability to acknowledge the alarm
- Ability to adjust the volume
- Ability to adjust the time
- Accurate time display
Part | Status | Remarks |
Visual concept | Done | |
Order all parts | Done | |
Arduino Nano | Working prototype | |
Clock display 4 segment | Working prototype | |
RTC module | Working prototype | |
Buttons to adjust the time | Working prototype | |
Red warning led | Working prototype | |
Button to acknowledge the alarm | Working prototype | |
Buzzer | Working prototype | Powered by arduino needs a transistor transistor PN2222 with 2k2 resistor or a BC548 with a 1K resistor |
Way to adjust the volume of the buzzer | To do | |
Box to put it all into | To do |
- 7-segment clock + RTC
- ...