- This is the backend for the solar searcher api built using golang and fiber.
- Golang
- Fibre (Golang rest api framework)
- Render
Main.go (Main server file)
- main.go
- space.controller.go
Error ( Custom error file )
- customHandler.error.go
Helper ( functions that would be used in the controllers )
## This helper converts the user location into coordinates. - geoCordinate.helper.go ## This helper helps in performing the analysis over the weather conditions. - weatherAnalysis.helper.go
Model ( Contains the model that would help in mapping through api response )
- spaceData.model.go
Services ( This would be used for making api calls to the third party space api's )
- spaceApis.service.go
- space.router.go
Utils ( This contains the base url for the various third parties api that are being used in our backend )
- apis.utils.go
app.Get("/v1/getIssLocation", Controller.GetISSLocation)
app.Get("/v1/getMarsRoverPic", Controller.GetMarsRoverImage)
app.Get("/v1/getApodApiImage", Controller.GetApodImages)
app.Get("/v1/performWeatherAnalysis", Controller.PerformWeatherAnalysis)