Provide a set of tools to realize the Asset Administration Shell for Industrie 4.0.
- bastelflpGermany
- christianwarmuthSAP SE
- echtelerpPrivate
- felixockerFrankfurt, Germany
- g1zzm0TU Dresden, Faculty for Computer science, Institute for applied computer science, Chair for Industrial Communication Systems
- gedack
- Giuzzilla@QuickAlgorithm
- GoetzGoerisch@umati
- Govinda-BhattacharyaIndia
- HeosSacerMunich
- iomzFeelance
- JacobTheEvans
- JarlPedHalden Pharma
- jupiterbakSiemens AG
- kratsching
- licesonw@aws
- Lichtmann
- Lpirela92
- manojherath
- Manu3756SAP SE
- mborowski511
- mhlee0328ITRI
- mo367
- msalafiaCatania
- nalim2Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units (ISW) of the University of Stuttgart
- NordishByNature82
- raspyweather
- ruwenschneider
- s97606183
- Smudo99Walldorf
- su600Beijing
- tobiasgoecke@Supratix @openReactor
- twebermartinsSAP SE
- vim-zz
- yongjintao
- zomarg