
Crossplane provider for SAP BTP

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Golang REUSE status

Crossplane Provider for SAP BTP

About this project

crossplane-provider-btp is a Crossplane provider that handles the orchestration of account related resources on SAP Business Technology Platform:

  • Subaccount
  • User Management
  • Entitlements
  • Service Manager
  • Cloud Management
  • Environments

Have a look on all available CRDs in the API reference. Check the documentation for more detailed information on available capabilities for different kinds.


We have a lot of exciting new features and improvements in our backlogs for you to expect and even contribute yourself! The major part of this roadmap will be publicly managed in github very soon.

Until then here are the top 3 features we are working on:

1. Serviceinstances and ServiceBindings

We are working on the implementation of the ServiceInstance and ServiceBinding resources. This will allow you to create and manage service instances and bindings in your BTP account without requiring another tool for that.

2. Automation of xsuaa credential management

While it already is possible today to orchestrate your role collections and assignments using the provider, usage up to this point, still requires you to manually create and inject API credentials for the xsuaa API. This is subject to change. We will add new CRDs for managing the API credentials using the newly added https://registry.terraform.io/providers/SAP/btp/latest/docs/resources/subaccount_api_credential.

3. More complex resource imports

We know a lot of you would like to use crossplane for observation of (previously unmanaged) landscapes. Importing resources for observation is already possible, but requires manual process for importing each resource individually. We are working on a more automated way to import resources in bulk.

📊 Installation

To install this provider in a kubernetes cluster running crossplane, you can use the provider custom resource, replacing the <version>placeholder with the current version of this provider:

apiVersion: pkg.crossplane.io/v1
kind: Provider
  name: provider-btp
  package: ghcr.io/sap/crossplane-provider-btp/crossplane/provider-btp:<VERSION>

Crossplane will take care to create a deployment for this provider. Once it becomes healthy, you can configure your provider using proper credentials and start orchestrating 🚀.

🔬 Developing

Initial Setup

The provider comes with some tooling to ease a local setup for development. As initial setup you can follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run make submodules to initialize the "build" submodule provided by crossplane
  3. Run make dev-debug to create a kind cluster and install the CRDs

⚠️ Please note that you are required to have kind and docker installed on your local machine in order to run dev debug.

Those steps will leave you with a local cluster and your KUBECONFIG being configured to connect to it via e.g. kubectl or k9s. You can already apply manifests to that cluster at this point.

Running the Controller

To run the controller locally, you can use the following command:

make run

This will compile your controller as executable and run it locally (outside of your cluster). It will connect to your cluster using your KUBECONFIG configuration and start watching for resources.

Cleaning up

For deleting the cluster again, run

make dev-clean

E2E Tests

The provider comes with a set of end-to-end tests that can be run locally. To run them, you can use the following command:

make test-acceptance

This will spin up a specific kind cluster which runs the provider as docker container in it. The e2e tests will run kubectl commands against that cluster to test the provider's functionality.

⚠️ Please be aware that as part of the e2e tests a script will be executed which injects the environment configuration (see below) into the test data. Therefor you will see a lot of changes in the directory test/e2e/testdataafter running the command. Make sure to not commit those changes into git.

Please note that when running multiple times you might want to delete the kind cluster again to avoid conflicts:

kind delete cluster <cluster-name>

Required Configuration

In order for the tests to perform successfully some configuration need to be present as environment variables:


User credentials for a user that is Global Account Administrator in the configured globalaccount, structure:

  "email": "email",
  "username": "PuserId",
  "password": "mypass"


Contents from the service binding of a cis-central service in the same globalaccount, structure:

  "endpoints": {
    "accounts_service_url": "...",
    "cloud_automation_url": "...",
    "entitlements_service_url": "...",
    "events_service_url": "...",
    "external_provider_registry_url": "...",
    "metadata_service_url": "...",
    "order_processing_url": "...",
    "provisioning_service_url": "...",
    "saas_registry_service_url": "..."
  "grant_type": "client_credentials",
  "sap.cloud.service": "com.sap.core.commercial.service.central",
  "uaa": {


Contains the CLI server URL, for example:



Contains the subdomain of the global account.


Contains the URL of an IDP that can be connected to the global account as trustconfiguration.


Contains a second email (different from the technical user's email) for the directory admin field.


Contains the email of the BTP_TECHNICAL_USER.

Optional Configuration


ID that is injected in resource names to relate them to a specific test run.


Name of created kind cluster, if not set will be randomly generated


0 or 1, default is 0

👐 Support, Feedback, Contributing

If you have a question always feel free to reach out on our official crossplane slack channel:

🚀 #provider-sap-btp.

This project is open to feature requests/suggestions, bug reports etc. via GitHub issues. Contribution and feedback are encouraged and always welcome.

For more information about how to contribute, the project structure, as well as additional contribution information, see our Contribution Guidelines.

🔒 Security / Disclosure

If you find any bug that may be a security problem, please follow our instructions at in our security policy on how to report it. Please do not create GitHub issues for security-related doubts or problems.

🙆‍♀️ Code of Conduct

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its Code of Conduct at all times.

📋 Licensing

Copyright 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company and crossplane-provider-btp contributors. Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.