Make the ServiceBinding validation webhook less strict
adriil opened this issue · 1 comments
adriil commented
Hi team,
When we define a ServiceBinding
as part of our service's Helm chart, and we deploy our Chart using Piper's kubernetesDeploy
, the deployment will only work the first time, to create the ServiceBinding
. Any subsequent deployments will be denied, even if the ServiceBinding
hasn't changed, with the following error :
14:59:08 info kubernetesDeploy - running command: helm upgrade policysearch-canary pss-0.1.0.tgz --values helm/pss/values/canary.yaml --install --namespace pss --set,image.policy_search.tag=1.0.0-20231221134941_6ca6edd5ddf276c6b9dccbd889b4083d77e31ee6@sha256:2aaf78d298a9edf1ec4bc61d2dc375c4e88836bd7f0aee568ee70110d0752b46,,image.tag=1.0.0-20231221134941_6ca6edd5ddf276c6b9dccbd889b4083d77e31ee6@sha256:2aaf78d298a9edf1ec4bc61d2dc375c4e88836bd7f0aee568ee70110d0752b46,,secret.dockerconfigjson=****,imagePullSecrets[0].name=regsecret,,api.image.tag=1.0.0-20231221134941_6ca6edd5ddf276c6b9dccbd889b4083d77e31ee6@sha256:2aaf78d298a9edf1ec4bc61d2dc375c4e88836bd7f0aee568ee70110d0752b46,api.imagePullSecret.dockerconfigjson=**** --force --wait --timeout 300s --atomic --render-subchart-notes
14:59:09 Created Pod: kubernetes concurcpss/dynamic-agent-e98acbb0-18af-4fb1-9e07-444f8e05b32c-7ss7c-11chr
14:59:13 info kubernetesDeploy - Error: UPGRADE FAILED: an error occurred while rolling back the release. original upgrade error: failed to replace object: admission webhook "" denied the request: updating service bindings is not supported: failed to replace object: admission webhook "" denied the request: updating service bindings is not supported
This forces teams to either manage the ServiceBinding
outside of the service lifecycle, or remove the declaration from the templated chart while still keeping the resource alive thanks to "": keep
Is there any way we could ease things here ?