SAP BTP service operator enables developers to connect Kubernetes clusters to SAP BTP accounts and to consume SAP BTP services within the clusters by using Kubernetes native tools.
- adichi1
- adiswissasap
- alexwo
- asafmorIsrael
- Avihai
- avilupu
- DanielNe24
- dlapanik
- drorhayunIsrael
- edenavitan90
- evyaffe
- fabianorosa1Shell
- Guy922
- Keinang
- kerenlahav
- lizzzcai@SAP
- loewensteinSAP SE
- madgrape
- marcofaggianMarcon (VE), Italy
- melameg
- michal-keidarSAP
- mzuber@SAP
- naomitayebSAP
- narcosis
- nimrodoron
- PatrikSteuer
- pfefferf
- rafibukra
- redhatHameedRed Hat @RedHatOfficial
- rutanika
- sachinb4uSAP Fioneer
- segevle
- semionshvarts
- shaiembon
- wgancarzSAP Customer Experience
- yaelimon