
A maubot plugin to sync users from Azure AD and LDAP into matrix rooms

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

GitHub release (latest by date)

Maubot Inviterbot for Azure AD and LDAP

A maubot plugin that syncs user-groups from an identity management like Microsoft Azure Active Directory or LDAP to Matrix rooms. This way you can create managed rooms where users are automatically invited or kicked depending on their membership in a specific user-group. Permission-levels like "Standard" or "Moderator" as well as room permissions are also managed by the bot.

You might be also interested in this project, which is quite similiar: https://github.com/davidmehren/maubot-ldap-inviter


  • Automatic sync of user groups from an identity management like LDAP or Microsoft Azure Active Directory to members of matrix rooms.
  • Set permissions and roles for all managed matrix room
  • Management room for debugging and manual syncing



This is a plugin for the Maubot bot system which is required for the bot to run.

It is also required to install the following additional dependencies to your maubot server environment. You can install them all with pip install -r requirements.txt:

  • azure-identity
  • msgraph-core
  • ldap3

Otherwise use this Dockerfile to have the requirements already installed:

FROM dock.mau.dev/maubot/maubot
RUN apk add gcc
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install azure-identity msgraph-core ldap3

Example docker-compose.yml for setting up the Maubot server:

version: "3.6"

    image: postgres:13.2
    restart: always
      - 5432
      - ./pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres

      dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
      context: .
    container_name: maubot
    image: dock.mau.dev/maubot/maubot
    restart: unless-stopped
    - ./logs/:/var/log/maubot
    - ./data:/data
      - 29316:29316
      - postgres

In your Maubot server Web-UI do the following:

  • Load the *.mbp file from releases into your Maubot Manager (can also be generated from source with mbc build)
  • Create client and instance in Maubot Manager

Log levels

The log levels are very verbose per default. This can lead to many log messages especially from the microsoft azure library. You may update the config.yaml to use INFO instead of debug.

# Python logging configuration.
# See section 16.7.2 of the Python documentation for more info:
# https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/logging.config.html#configuration-dictionary-schema
    version: 1
            (): maubot.lib.color_log.ColorFormatter
            format: "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s@%(name)s] %(message)s"
            format: "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s@%(name)s] %(message)s"
            class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
            formatter: normal
            filename: ./maubot.log
            maxBytes: 10485760
            backupCount: 10
            class: logging.StreamHandler
            formatter: colored
            level: INFO
            level: INFO
            level: INFO
            level: INFO
            level: INFO
            level: INFO
            level: INFO
        level: DEBUG
        handlers: [file, console]


One bot instance can only manage on identity provider at a time.

Azure Active Directory

API setup

Follow the steps decribed here.

  • Create a Daemon App Registration
  • Create a Client Secret
  • Ensure that proper application permissions are given to the app registration. Don't forget to grant your admin consent.
    • Group.Read.All
    • User.Read.All

Example user-group structure

Create user-groups in your Azure AD like shown below. The users are fetched recursively, so you can put user-groups in user-groups.

├─ MTRX #example:matrix.example.com
│  ├─ User-Group 1
│  │  ├─ User A (Owner)
│  │  ├─ User B
│  ├─ User Group 2
│  │  ├─ User A
│  │  ├─ User C
│  │  ├─ User D
├─ MTRX #example2:matrix.example.com
│  ├─ User Group 3
│  │  ├─ User C (Owner)
│  │  ├─ User E




  • Create an LDAP bind account (read only)

Example user-group structure

Create user-groups in your LDAP like shown below. The xxx is used as a replacement for {@, :}, because these symbols are not allowed in LDAP.

├─ User-Group 1
│  ├─ User A
│  ├─ User B
├─ User Group 2
│  ├─ User A
│  ├─ User C
│  ├─ User D
├─ User A
├─ User Group 3
│  ├─ User C
│  ├─ User E
├─ User C


Configure the Inviterbot in the configuration on the Maubot server.


How to manage a matrix room

  1. Create a user group in your linked Identity Provider as described above.
  2. Syncs are performed automatically every 30 minutes

How to manage a space

The bot can not create spaces on his own. Spaces that should be managed by the bot have to be created beforehand via Element.

  1. Create a space
  2. Invite the bot and give him Admin permission
  3. Make the space public
  4. Create an alias
  5. Make it private again
  6. Create a user group in your linked Identity Provider

How to add external users to a managed room

Option 1: Two InviterBots in one room (fully managed)

Each bot only manages users from his homeserver. If the external users are managed by a bot on their homeserver, their bot can manage them in this room too. This would result in the following setup:

Some Room

  • @user1:homeserverA is managed by bot A
  • @user2:homeserverA is managed by bot A
  • @user3:homeserverB is managed by bot B
  • @bot:homeserverA is a bot and admin and manages User 1 and User 2
  • @bot:homeserverB is a bot and admin and manages User 3

To achieve this

  1. Make sure, that a user-group corresponding to the room-alias is defined in the identity providers of both bots
  2. Invite the second bot to the room and give him admin permission (e.g. via !invite-admin <room-alias> <user>)
  3. The second bot will now begin to sync the state of his idp to the room.

Option 2: Manually invite external users (partly unmanaged)

This is useful, if only a very small amount of external users should participate in a room.

Some Room

  • @user1:homeserverA is managed by bot A
  • @user2:homeserverA is managed by bot A
  • @user3:homeserverB is not managed
  • @bot:homeserverA is a bot and admin and manages User 1 and User 2

To achieve this

  1. Use !invite-member <room-alias> <user> to invite an external user to the room that is managed by your bot.
  2. Your bot will ignore this external user. If you want to kick him, this has to be done manually via !kick-member <room-alias> <user>


Commands can only be sent to the bot in a specific administration room.

  • Create admin room
  • Invite bot
  • Configure admin room in bot-configuration on the Maubot server

Use !inviter to list available commands.

  • !idp - list rooms and members defined in the linked IdP
  • !joined - list joined rooms
  • !managed - list managed rooms
  • !sync [dry] - trigger manual sync
  • !unmanage <room-alias> <new admin> - unmanage room
  • !invite-member <room-alias> <user> - manually add an external member as unmanaged standard user
  • !kick-member <room-alias> <user> - manually kick an unmanaged, external member
  • !invite-admin <room-alias> <user> - manually add an external member as admin (Be aware that admins can not be removed. They have to leave by their own.)

Code and contributing

We would love to see your contribution to this project. Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for further details.

Used libraries/modules

Tips for development

File structure

├── README.md
├── base-config.yaml    # Sample config that is loaded to the bot-instance on first start
├── inviter
│ ├── bot.py    # Main bot class with all command related functions
│ ├── bot_helper.py   # Static helper-functions
│ ├── config.py       # Maubot Config class that defines how to react on config updates
│ ├── enum.py         # Holds globally defined power-level definitions
│ ├── ldap_connector.py       # Everything related to the LDAP connection
│ ├── matrix_utils.py         # Everything directly related to the matrix Client-Server API
│ ├── ms_graph_connector.py   # Everything related to the MS graph API connection for Azure Active Directory
│ └── room_structure.py       # Data classes for room structure
└──  maubot.yaml      # Informations about the plugin


The release is created automatically via GitHub Actions. The workflow also includes building a .mbp plugin file and attaching it to the release. It is triggered only on main. To create a new release,

  1. Update the version in the maubot.yaml file
  2. Create a new git tag: git tag -a v0.0.1 -m "my version 0.0.1"
  3. Push the new tag to github and see the workflow to his job: git push --follow-tags


For now, please refer to the docstrings in the code.


This project is licensed under GPLv3. See LICENSE for the license text and COPYRIGHT.md for the general copyright notice.