
This project is a Node.js application built with NestJS that integrates Facebook Messenger with Slack. It listens for messages sent to a Facebook Messenger page via webhook and forwards them to a Slack channel. Additionally, it provides a simple verification mechanism for Facebook webhook subscriptions.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Facebook Messenger To Slack Integration -

This project is a Node.js application built with NestJS that integrates Facebook Messenger with Slack. It listens for messages sent to a Facebook Messenger page via webhook and forwards them to a Slack channel. Additionally, it provides a simple verification mechanism for Facebook webhook subscriptions.

  • Note:- Please try running the project after watching the video from the video link attached below.


  1. You need to install NodeJs and ngrok.
  2. Install Nodejs from nodejs official website and ngrok from - https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/setup
  3. Install them according to your operating system.

Setup Instructions

Slack App Setup

  1. Create a Slack App by visiting the Slack Webhooks page.
  2. Follow the instructions in the video link provided below or in the documentation to set up the Slack App.

Facebook App Setup

  1. Create a Facebook App from the Facebook Developers website.
  2. Refer to the video link provided below for detailed instructions on setting up the Facebook App.

Project Setup

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Navigate to the cloned project directory in your terminal.
  3. Open the project in your preferred editor (e.g., VSCode).
  4. Modify the .env file in the project root which include the keys:
    • FACEBOOK_WEBHOOK_VERIFY_TOKEN: Use any token of your choice for webhook verification (Explained in video below).
    • FACEBOOK_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN: Your Facebook page access token (Explained in video below).
    • SLACK_MESSENGER_WEBHOOK: Your Slack webhook URL (Explained in video below).
    • PORT: Port on which the server will run.
  5. To install required dependencies run command:
    npm install

Starting Server and ngrok tunneling Setup

  1. Start the server using command:
npm start
  1. Start ngrok using command:
ngrok http PORT
  • After starting ngrok, you will receive a forwarding URL from the terminal. To create the callback URL for Facebook, append the webhook endpoint to this forwarding URL.

  • Replace PORT with the port number specified in your .env file.

Webhook Endpoints

  • /facebook/webhook:
    • GET request: Verify the webhook with Facebook.
    • POST request: Handle incoming messages from Facebook and forward them to Slack using the provided webhook URL.

Directory Structure

  • src/: This directory contains all the source code for our NestJS application.

    • app.module.ts: This file defines the root module of our application, where you declare all the components, controllers, services, and modules.
    • facebook/: This directory groups together all files related to the Facebook and Slack integration functionality.
      • facebook.controller.ts: This file contains the controller responsible for handling Facebook webhook endpoints.
      • facebook.module.ts: This file contains the module that declares and exports the Facebook-related components such as the controller and service.
      • facebook.service.ts: This file contains the service responsible for handling messages received from Facebook and sending them to Slack.
    • dto/: This directory contains Data Transfer Objects (DTOs), which define the structure of data exchanged between different parts of the application.
      • facebookEvent.dto.ts: DTO defining the structure of events received from Facebook.
      • webhookRequest.dto.ts: DTO defining the structure of requests received on the webhook endpoint.
      • webhookResponse.dto.ts: DTO defining the structure of responses sent from the webhook endpoint.
    • main.ts: This file is the entry point of the application. It bootstraps the NestJS application and starts the server.
  • package.json: This file contains metadata about the project as well as the list of dependencies. It also includes scripts for tasks like running the application, testing, etc.

  • tsconfig.json: This file contains configuration settings for the TypeScript compiler. It specifies how TypeScript files should be compiled into JavaScript.

Video Link

For a detailed walkthrough on setting up the Slack and Facebook apps, running the project, configuring it and to see demo please refer to the video link provided below.

Video Link