DevFest hackathon

This project has been built for the DevFest Hackathon on the problem statement "Improving Lockdown Experience".

In this lockdown ,it is very important to stay healthy, physically and mentally. Our objective is to make you busy, fit and healthy.

Our Key Ideas: 1.Health 2.Chat With Docs-In this lockdown, people have been suddenly forced to stay indoors, and have faced several health issues ranging from loneliness, mental issues to laziness and weight gain.Our health page provides the information of benefits of schedule,sleep routine, meditation.It also has the feature of 'Chat With Docs' where you have to provide your name and room.Room is basically where you can join chat with the specialised doctor according to your requirement. 3.BMI Calculator-Fit Me is an interactive page where you can calculate your BMI and based on your BMI, you can get diet recommendations to improve your BMI. 4.Diet recommendations 5.Predictor for mental Health illness-We also have the Predictor for Mental Health illness which helps you to tell whether you should consult a doctor or not, based on datasets of mental health.It predicts whether a patient should be treated of his/her mental illness and uses machine learning modelling with the accuracy of 86%.

The website uses: 1.HTML 2.CSS 3.JavaScript 4.Bootstrap4 5.JQuery 6.ML Modelling

The Chat With Docs chat app has used: 1.JavaScript 2.Moment.js

It has been deployed at: The github repository for its code is availabe at:

The link for the ML predictorUI is:

The website created for the hackathon is deployed at: The carousel describing the project can be found at: