
I designed the Olympic 2020 app to streamline data handling and enhance user interaction. Leveraging APEX's robust features, the app efficiently manages athlete and event data, offering interactive reports and secure data access, ensuring a seamless, responsive experience for managing extensive Olympic datasets.

Olympic 2020 - Database Systems Project Report

1. Final version of the E-R Model of the Project

2. Final Version of the Relational Data Model of the Project

## 3. Implementation Checklist
  • Uploaded and Displayed Images in Reports: Yes (In MEDEL Page)
  • Implemented Page-wise Authorization: Yes
  • Number of Reports with Forms: 7
  • Number of Master-detail Forms: 2
  • Number of Reports based on Queries, Aggregate Queries: 2
  • Number of Parameterized Reports: 2
  • Number of Graphs/Charts: 4

Additional Features:

  • Dashboard, activity report, email report, configuration option, theme style selection

Unique Feature/Functionality:

  • Athlete_Country Information report as a master table: There have athlete information, and also you can get country information by searching as athlete_id.

4. Reports with Forms

Report Page Number and Name Form Page Number and Name Table
Athlete info (2) Athlete info (2) Athlete search parameterize
GAMES (4) GAMES (4) medel
Countries (6) Countries (6) Countries
Medel (12) Medel (12) Medel

Figure 5.1: Athlete information

Figure 5.2: Games report with form

Figure 5.3: Countries report with form

Figure 5.4: Medal report with form

5. Master-Detail Form

Page Number and Name Master Table (Parent) Detail Table (Child)
Athlete-Country info (16) Athlete info Countries
Athlete-Rank state (19) Athlete info Rank state

Figure 5.1: Athlete and Rank state Information

Figure 5.2: Athlete-Country Information

6. Reports based on Multi-Table and Aggregate Queries

Page Number and Name Query Type Report description
Athlete_country Info (16) Athlete, country table Provide you athlete and country information of each player.
Venue parameterized (25) Venue, rank state Provide you venue information and rank state graph.

Figure 6.1: Athlete-Country Information

Figure 6.2: Venue and Rank state Query

7. Parameterized Reports

Page Number and Name Given Input Report description
Venue parameterized (25) Venue_id Provide you venue information.
Athlete search (8) Athlete_id Provide you athlete information

Figure 7.1: Venue Parameterized

Figure 7.2: ATHLETE SEARCH Parameterize

8. Charts

Page Number and Name Chart description
Olympic Dashboard (27) Three Charts there: VENUE CAPACITY NUMBER, Gender ratio, medal type
Venue parameterized Rank state statistics

Figure 8.1: Olympic Dashboard Chart

Figure 8.2: Rank state Graph

9. Authorization and User Role Assignment

User Role Assignment:

User name Password Role
Alice Alice123 Administrator
Bob Bob123 Reader

Figure 9.1: User Access

Page-wise Authorization Information:

Page number and name Authorization Level
P1. Home Reader
P10000: Administration Administrator
Map Reader
Olympic dashboard Contributor Right

10. Concluding Remarks

As an Oracle APEX developer, I designed the Olympic 2020 app to streamline data handling and enhance user interaction. Leveraging APEX's robust features, the app efficiently manages athlete and event data, offering interactive reports and secure data access, ensuring a seamless, responsive experience for managing extensive Olympic datasets.