RSS Feed Aggregator

This project represents the remarkable outcome of Wags Lane's diligent efforts in learning GoLang by releasing "Learn Go" in collaboration with FreeCodeCamp.

Run dependencies and start development

To streamline the setup process for this project, which utilizes Docker Compose, you can conveniently use the following command. It will ensure that all the prerequisites, such as postgres and pgAdmin, are properly configured for seamless development:

docker-compose up -d

By executing this command, the required services will be initialized and made available in the background. This includes setting up the postgres database and the pgAdmin administration tool. The -d flag ensures that the services run in detached mode, allowing you to continue working in your terminal without interruption.

Useful Commands

Title Command
Run and build go build && ./rssagg.exe
Initializes and writes a new go.mod file go mod init
Match go.mod file with source code go mod tidy
Construct vendors and copy all packages go mod vendor
Installing package go install, go get

Working with database and migrations

For handling and managing migrations in this project, we are using the goose package. To install goose, run the following command:

go install

To execute an "up" migration on your desired database, use the following command (note that you can find the connection string in the .env file of the project):


Here are some important notes to consider when working with migrations:

  1. Make sure to run the migrations command inside the migrations folder.
  2. To perform a downgrade migration on your database, change the last parameter of the previous command to down.

To generate type-safe Go code based on our migrations, we use SQLC. Here's the command to run sqlc (assuming you have Docker installed):

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/src -w /src sqlc/sqlc generate

Note: This assumes you are executing the commands in a terminal or command prompt.


We are using Makefile for this project, so you can run the commands by using make command_name. For installing Makefile on Windows use:

winget install GnuWin32.Make

Please note that after installing Makefile you need to add the following to your Path environment variable and then restart your terminal:

C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin