This is the repository for the AI&DS study group. All the solutions of the exercises might be synced here.
Current members are:
- Andrea Tufo (xer16baw)
- Hongli Lin (kag52rer)
- Linbo Zhang (luy28gey)
- Michele Paterson (mipat104)
- Shoucheng Ling (ziq34mun)
Each folder represents a course of study:
- ap: Advanced Programming and Algorithms I & II
- asa: Algorithms for Sequence Analysis
- cv: Computer Vision
- dl: Deep Learning
- dlgm: Deep Learning: Generative Models
- dlrl: Deep Learning: Representation Learning
- eco_m: MV04: Econometrics
- math4ai: Mathematical and Statistical Foundations of Data Science
- mc: Markov Chains
- ml: Machine Learning
- rdb: Relational Databases and Data Analysis
- rl: Reinforcement Learning
- sl: Statistical Learning
Furthermore, each member has his/her own subfolder under each subject (e.g. ap/shoucheng). The individually solved problems can then be put in the corresponding folder.
The subfolder "original_files" contains the original files downloaded from ILIAS. It is currently maintained by Hongli Lin, and will be updated as soon as possible.