
Tutorial to run Bookstack under Windows using Docker Desktop

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Tutorial to run Bookstack under Windows using Docker Desktop


version: "2"
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/bookstack
    container_name: bookstack
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - APP_URL=https://bookstack.example.com
      - DB_HOST=bookstack_db
      - DB_PORT=3306
      - DB_USER=bookstack
      - DB_PASS=<yourdbpass>
      - DB_DATABASE=bookstackapp
      - ./bookstack_app_data:/config
      - 6875:80
    restart: unless-stopped
      - bookstack_db
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/mariadb
    container_name: bookstack_db
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<yourdbpass>
      - TZ=Europe/London
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=bookstackapp
      - MYSQL_USER=bookstack
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=<yourdbpass>
      - ./bookstack_db_data:/config
    restart: unless-stopped
  • Navigate to a location where you want to store bookstack-docker (e.g. F:\bookstack-docker) and create a docker-compose.yml file (i.e. F:\bookstack-docker\docker-compose.yml) with the contents of the docker-compose information shown above.
  • In docker-compose.yml change the value of APP_URL to APP_URL=http://<Local IP>:6875 (For instance APP_URL= where is your local ip address). You can use ipconfig to determine the local ip address (i.e. the value of the IPv4 Address entry). It is absolutely crucial to provide the http:// prefix and the port 6875. Do not use https.
  • Replace image: lscr.io/linuxserver/mariadb with image: mysql and add for bookstack_db a new volume pointing to /var/lib/mysql. This is required to backup the database data.
      - ./bookstack_db_data:/config
      - ./bookstack_sql_db_data:/var/lib/mysql
  • In docker-compose.yml adjust the values of DB_PASS=<yourdbpass>, MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<yourdbpass> and MYSQL_PASSWORD=<yourdbpass>
  • Good practice: provide a fixed version for bookstack (e.g. image: lscr.io/linuxserver/bookstack:23.05.2) and mysql (e.g. image: mysql:8.0.33). Available versions are listed here and here.
  • Save the file.
  • In the Windows Powershell run docker-compose up -d (no admin rights required).


  • Open the Docker Desktop GUI and click on the link 6875:80 of the bookstack container. This opens the corresponding ip address in the browser (e.g.
  • Be patient! It might take a while until the containers can be accessed! (~30 seconds after docker-compose up -d has finished its execution).
  • Login into bookstack with the default email admin@admin.com and the default password password as mentioned in the bookstack installation instructions.

Share in local network

Add %ProgramFiles%\Docker\Docker\resources\com.docker.backend.exe to the windows firewall. The corresponding information can be found when clicking under Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Windows Defender Firewall on Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall).

Tested with

  • Docker Desktop: v4.20.1
  • bookstack container: ef5500acb1c2c6f830da1509b7d844e555f24f548cd329ffef0cb56c89b92d43
  • bookstack_db container: fd8c7020d2239059feb4f06769fac9009bc5da57f9d28409fdd60f265120044b
  • lscr.io/linuxserver/bookstack image: 26d9a2577846
  • mysql image: 91b53e2624b4

If you experience any problems you might want to have a look at this issue.

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