
how to use

  • install nodejs
  • clone this repository
  • run npm install while in 'src' directory
  • get yourself a shk-madgim-client
  • run server: npm start -- --client <client-location> --port <port> (default port to 8888)



  • initial /data/initial/<time> get all items existed in the specific time. Result is not limited.

  • range /data/range/<from-time>/<to-time> get all items generated between from-time and to-time (inclusive). Result is limited by default to 50 items - a limit paramter can be passed in order to increase that limit

all endpoints accept a format paramter which can accept either 'json' or 'geojson' value.


  • query /availability/<resolution>/<from-time>/<to-time> get all the availability records at the requested resolution (usually s` format) optionally starting from the given time to the given end time


  • query /search search the data for items answering some condition. Currently supported filters:
  • shape - a GeoJSON object defining a shapte (type+coordinates) which will be used to filter only items their path intersects this shape


  • naturalearth has some high resolution vector maps layers
  • tessera is a node server for serving tiles out of mbtiles file