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Lab | Basic Data Cleaning and EDA

For this lab, we will be using the dataset in the Customer Analysis Business Case. This dataset can be found in the files_for_lab folder.


An auto insurance company has collected some data about its customers including their demographics, education, employment, policy details, vehicle information on which insurance policy is and claim amounts. You will help the senior management with some business questions that should help them to better understand their customers, improve their services and improve profitability.

Some business Objectives for the case study could be:

  • Retain customers,
  • Analyze relevant customer data,
  • Develop focused customer retention programs.

Based on the analysis, take targeted actions to increase profitable customer response, retention, and growth.


  1. Import the necessary libraries.
  2. Load the we_fn_use_c_marketing_customer_value_analysis.csv into the variable customer_df (i.e. customer_df = pd.readcsv(""))
  3. First, look at its main features (head, shape, info).
  4. Rename the columns so they follow the PE8 (snake case).
  5. Fix the data types of any other column/columns as you might see necessary. Note that sometimes there are some features you might want to use as categorical, but they are read as numerical by python (and vice versa). For eg., if there's a column with year values like 2020, 2021, 2022, etc., this column might be read as numerical by python, but you would want to use that column as categorical data. Hint: One thing you can try is to change date column to datetime format.
  6. Plot a correlation matrix, and comment on what you observe.
  7. Plot every continuous variable. Comment what you can see in the plots.
  8. Do the same with the categorical variables (be careful, you may need to change the plot type to one better suited for continuous data!). Comment what you can see in the plots. You should also delete the column customer_id before you can try to use a for loop on all the categorical columns. Discuss why is deleting the column customer_id required. Hint: Use bar plots to plot categorical data, with each unique category in the column on the x-axis and an appropriate measure on the y-axis.
  9. Look for outliers in the continuous variables. (Hint: There’s a good plot to do that!). In case you find outliers, comment on what you will do with them.
  10. Check all columns for NaN values. Decide what (if anything) you will need to do with them.