
Main/top level repository for ICARUS specific code

Primary LanguageC++


ICARUS simulation and reconstruction software

The documentation of ICARUS is spread mainly between:

ICARUS software is spread across several repositories under GitHub SBNSoftware. Help yourself:

  • icaruscode is the main entry point (code based on art)
  • icarusalg includes art-independent code
  • icarus_signal_processing includes art-independent code
  • icarus_data distributes large data files
  • icarusutil mostly contains experiment customization of larbatch utilities
  • sbncode is code shared with other SBN experiments
  • sbnobj contains data object definitions shared with SBN
  • sbndaq_artdaq_core interfaces with DAQ and holds data objects definitions for ICARUS "raw" data

ICARUS software is in great part based on LArSoft. Here are some shortcuts to its GitHub repositories:

  • larsoft (umbrella repository)
  • data product repositories:
    • larcoreobj, basic geometry data products
    • lardataobj, most simulation and reconstruction data products (not the simb namespace)
  • larcorealg, geometry code and some bsic utilities
  • lardataalg, some basic service providers (LArProperties, DetectorClocks, DetectorProperties) and utilities
  • larevt, with database code
  • larsim, detector simulation (esp. GEANT4)
  • larana, including calorimetry and optical reconstruction
  • larreco, most reconstruction algorithms and modules
  • art, framework underpinning data processing (many support libraries are also in art-framework-suite)