
Store CRT-PMT matching results into a data product

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The results of the matching between CRT hits and PMT flashes need to be saved into our output:

  • into a art/ROOT file data product first
  • propagated to CAF afterwards

We need to establish

  • which data is available, which we want to be saved
  • the format to save it into art/ROOT data product(s) and associations
  • which subset of that information to port to CAF, and in which format

If there are SBND people interested in being observers, that may also help; otherwise, we can fix things later.

People involved include:

  • @francescopoppi: author of the matching, primary source of information on what is available and what could be
  • to be identified: other users with ideas of what is needed
  • reviewers:
    • @PetrilloAtWork: the picky guy who always want to meddle with data products for the art/ROOT data product
    • @FernandaPsihas (or delegate from SBN analysis framework) for the CAF part

I would also involve @cfarnese as this item is one of those discussed in the Neutrino Identification and Cosmic rejection WG