
An AI based desktop application for searching image in device memory based on object presented in the image.

NB: I couldn't upload the project here as github doesn't allow projects larger than 2 GB. I will add a drive link of the project here.

Image Search

An AI based desktop application for finding images from device memory based on objects present in the image. Usually in our device memory, there may be thousands of images. If we want a particular image, we have to scan every image manually to get that. This application helps to find those images by searching based on the object presented in that image. So we don't need to manually check every image.


  • User will select a folder
  • Then will choose a object
  • The application will display all the images that contains the selected object

Tools and Language

  • Language: Python
  • Framework: Tkinter
  • Model: CNN
  • Dataset: CIFAR-10