
Geotrek mobile, mobile app of Geotrek Rando

Primary LanguageCSS

Geotrek mobile, mobile app of Geotrek Rando (http://geotrek.fr).


Geotrek mobile is a mobile hybride app. This repository contain the source files but not the cordova project. Please follow the README to know how to use it.

Note: Geotrek mobile V1.X is compatible with Geotrek Admin 0.XX and Geotrek mobile v2.X is compatible with Geotrek Admin 2.XX.


Install Node

See https://gist.github.com/isaacs/579814 depending on your environment. (Read last comments as some links may change over time)

Install Ruby-Sass

See http://sass-lang.com/install

Install grunt-cli

npm install -g grunt-cli - tasks automnation

Install bower

npm install -g bower - package manager to manage project js dependencies In case of error :'Unable to find suitable version for angular please choose one :' Choose angular 1.2.16

Install Sass for Node

npm install -g node-sass - Stylesheets preprocessor sass (version > 3.3, we use ourbon lib on v4.0.1 : thoughtbot/bourbon#419, thoughtbot/bourbon#404)

Clone the current repository

Download and install dependencies :

  • npm install
  • bower install

Generate compiled files

grunt build


Each time you change a script file like the following one, remember to run this command in order to regenerate the compiled files. grunt build

Configurations of the app are available in the file app/scripts/settings.js.

Here are the main things you need to configure :

  • DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: 'en' - defines the fallback language in case the user's favorite is not available. (it needs to be present in the available languages).
  • AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES: ['fr', 'en', 'it'] - defines available languages for the app interface. (please be aware that de translation of the data only depends of the API)
  • GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID: 'UA-1234567-8' - you can link your app to a Google Analytics account. You just need to put your GA ID. (this account needs to be an App type account and not a web one)
  • APP_NAME: 'Geotrek Rando' - the app name that will be displayed on the top bar of the app
  • DOMAIN_NAME = 'http://api-url.com' - This parameters tells the app where to get the data it will use. Note: If you're using Geotrek suite (Geotrek Admin and Geotrek Rando), it's the url of your Geotrek Rando website + /data. Geotrek mobile V1.X is compatible with Geotrek Admin 0.XX and Geotrek mobile v2.X is compatible with Geotrek Admin 2.XX
  • GEOTREK_DIR = 'geotrek-rando' - The name of the folder containing your app on the filesystem
  • LOGS_FILENAME = 'geotrek-rando.log' - The name of the app log file

More options available in this file to be documented...


Each time you change a style file like the following, remember to run this command in order to regenerate the compiled styles files. grunt sass

Change app colors

You can edit the sass file app/styles/_variables_customs.scss in which you can override the colors variables present in app/styles/_variables_default.scss. This will allows you to customize the main colors used in the app.

Advanced style customisation

You can also add your custom style to the app by adding custom sass and css in the file app/styles/customisation.scss. This will be applyed last and override default app rules.

Use customs images in app

You can use custom images in the app (for exemple use your favorite bakground for the loading page of the app). We dedicated a folder app/images/custom to this. It's not mandatory but advised.

Once you have the app ready you are going to create a Cordova project and use the www folder as the app sources. Let's see this.



  • npm (version > 1.2.10)
  • cordova (npm install -g cordova)

Once you're ready, be sure to be in the folder where you want your project to be (for example the same parent folder as this repo clone)

Create project

cordova create cordovaFolderName com.idYouWant.forYourApp App-Name

Go into Cordova project folder

cd cordovaFolderName

In the created folder you can find :

  • www - where the source code, which will be deployed on each platform, lives.
  • plugins - where plugins live, and will also be deployed with source code on each platform build.
  • platforms - contains each cordova platform dependant code (for android, ios, ...)

Link your cordova project and your clone of this repository

Be sure to be in your cordova project folder

rm -r www
ln -s ~/Absolute/Path/To/Github-clone/app www

Now that you have created the project and linked it to the app core, you need to add plugins to be sure that it will works on real devices.


To install a plugin, be sure to be in the folder of your Cordova Project

Cordova files plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer

Cordova network information plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information

Cordova geolocation plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation

Cordova globalization plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-globalization

Phonegap social sharing

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing

Cordova local notification plugin

cordova plugin add https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications

Cordova zip plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-zip

Cordova inappbrowser plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser

Cordova dialogs plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-dialogs

Cordova google analytics plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-google-analytics

Cordova google analytics plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist

Cordova whitelist plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist

Crosswalk webview

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview

(OPTIONAL) Custom url scheme plugin

If you want a scheme url on your app (replace mySchemeURL with the one desired)

cordova plugin add https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/LaunchMyApp-PhoneGap-Plugin.git --variable URL_SCHEME=mySchemeURL


In order to customise and configure your app you need to edit and add few files


Copy the config.xml.default file in your Cordova project folder and rename it config.xml. Inside you need to change at least the following fields :

  • <widget id="com.makinacorpus.geotrek" > - This id is your package name. Chose it wisely as you will not be able to change it later (once you've uploaded your app on the store). It's the app unique identifier.
  • <name> - The name of your app
  • <description> - The description of your app
  • <allow-navigation href="http://base-api-url/*" /> - This is the url you're app is allowed to contact and offer navigation to

Icons and splashscreens

They should be placed inside the images folder of your Cordova project folder. You have the list of all the required files in the config.xml file and their names.


On build, cordova will take our source code and generate corresponding code to be compiled on each platform we want. This generated code is a bridge between our html/css/js app, cordova js code and native platform code. To build this project on each OS (android, ios...), we need to configure them.


There is some ways to configure Android platform, but the core component is always android sdk.


Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to JDK root path, so that Android Studio can now be launched.

As you have installed Android Studio (we assume in /home/toto/android-studio), you also have an android sdk.

$ pwd
$ ls
bin  build.txt  Install-Linux-tar.txt  lib  license  LICENSE.txt  NOTICE.txt  plugins  sdk

Then add sdk subdirectories tools and platform-tools to your PATH environment variable.

You can now add the Android platform to your project (As always be sur to be in your Cordova project folder)

cordova platform add android

now if you go in platforms, you should see an android folder



  • XCode

You can now add the IOS platform to your project (As always be sur to be in your Cordova project folder)

cordova platform add ios

now if you go in platforms, you should see an ios folder



From your cordova project folder

cordova build android


From your cordova project folder

cordova build ios

Then in XCode

  • Open platforms/ios/project-name.xcodeproj with XCode.
  • Just do 'Play', it will compile and run.



From cordova cli

cordova run android

But before running, you must already have downloaded an emulator, or connected a device to deploy on.


To download an emulator :

android sdk

(android executable must be in your PATH, as its a part of android sdk, in platform-tools subdirectory) The Android SDK Manager appears, and you just have to choose some "System Image" to download and install it.

Note: You can also use Android Studio

  • 'Tools/Android/SDK Manager'


connect your device then check if it's recognize with :

adb devices

It will launch a deamon and display a list of connected devices. (usually represented by really long numbers)

Note: If your phone use MTP connection, it's possible it's not listed. In that case, use the following command to reconnect your phone in another compatible mode.

adb usb


Both emulators and devices are referenced on the top bar of XCode. From XCode :

  • You can connect an iOS device or use emulators that come with XCode. You just have to hit play and it will launch on the selected device.


In order to simplify develoment we also provide a grunt tasks that will serve the app in the browser and reload the page each time you modify a file. $ grunt serve

It will launch a node server. It's IP will be displayed in the terminal. Usually a tab will open automativcaly in your brower, but if it doesn't, you can juste use the given IP to access it.


minor versions (ex: 1.2 -> 1.6)

You just need to pull changes and then use:

  • grunt build in the git clone folder
  • move to the cordova Folder (ex: cd MyCordovaFolder)
  • cordova build android and/or cordova build ios depending on the platforms you want to upgrade.

major versions (ex: 1.X -> 2.X)

Be aware that majors versions change means that you may need to change your config and change your API.

For this you just need to :

  • git checkout v2.X where v2.X is the branch name.
  • grunt build in the git clone folder
  • move to the cordova Folder (ex: cd MyCordovaFolder)
  • cordova build android and/or cordova build ios depending on the platforms you want to upgrade.


  • Adrien Denat
  • Mathieu Leplatre
  • Romain Garrigues
  • Éric Bréhault
  • Frédéric Bonifas
  • Simon Bats


  • OpenSource - BSD
  • Copyright (c) Parc National des Écrins - Makina Corpus