implementation group: 'systems.helius', name: 'helius-commons', version: '0.3.0'
Minimum java version: 17
To use the introspection ability of this library, simply create an instance of BeanIntrospector.
You then call the seek(Class, Object, MethodHandles.Lookup
method on it.
// Setup
var structure = new ComplexStructure();
// Usage
Set<Foo> found = new BeanIntrospector().seek(Foo.class, structure, MethodHandles.lookup());
// Validation
assertEquals(2, found.size());
assertTrue(found.contains(/* Some Foo I know is already hidden in the object graph of the structure */));
assertTrue(found.contains(/* Another one */));
In this example, IntHolder is a deeply nested (4 classes down) class and attribute within ComplexStructure.
For more examples, look at the tests. You may reuse the same BeanIntrospector across different calls.
From: Java 17 API A Lookup object can be shared with other trusted code, such as a metaobject protocol. A shared Lookup object delegates the capability to create method handles on private members of the lookup class. Even if privileged code uses the Lookup object, the access checking is confined to the privileges of the original lookup class.
Add the following JVM options to your launch configuration:
--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.base/
Read Five Command Line Options To Hack The Java Module System to know more.
The Invokation API enunciates the pattern of having your own classes declare a method that returns a Lookup to themselves. You could then pass the result of calling that method on a target class to this library.