This software is part of a study project done by fairylands and kryops at DHBW Stuttgart in 2013/14.
It provides a Node.JS + MongoDB backend and a real-time cross-platform mobile web frontend for extended control and automation of the Philips Hue lights, intended for usage on a Raspberry Pi together with an Arduino. Its features include:
- Most of the existing functions of the Hue Bridge (control of lights, groups, user administration, firmware update)
- Save Favorite color settings
- Scenes
- Flexible scheduling and automation framework
- Environment sensors provided by the Arduino
- Control through RFID/NFC tags
- Network device recognition
- Speech recognition (online with Google Speech API or offline with Julius)
- Party mode for time- and sound-controlled light changes
- All functions controllable via Socket.IO or a REST API, real-time synchronization between clients
Licensed under the Apache License. The complete documentation is available in the docs folder (German only!).
Complete hardware list in docs/planung/ (German)
sudo apt-get install git python build-essential nodejs mongodb arduino sox nmap julius
sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER
- NodeJS:
- MongoDB: (start with
C:\<Path>\bin\mongod.exe --dbpath "C:\<Data directory>"
) - Git:
- Phyton (Version 2.x!):
- Arbitrary version of Visual Studio (or Express), e.g.
- SoX: (Install in C:\Program Files (x86)\sox-14-4-1 or add to PATH)
- Julius: (Install in C:\julius-4.3.1-win32bin or add to PATH)
(in Windows you may have to switch between the Git bash and the NodeJS command line!)
git clone
cd hueper/nodejs
npm install
- Download acoustic model: and extract to julius/acoustic_model_files
- Start NodeJS:
node <Project path>/nodejs/server.js
- Frontend is accessible at http://localhost:8080
In order to use the Google speech recognition engine you have to generate a key with a Google account. Please follow the steps provided here:
- In the Google Developers Console / APIs activate Speech API
- In Credentials / Public API access create a Server Key
- Save it in the application settings
Hardware needed:
- Arduino UNO
- Adafruit PN532 RFID/NFC Shield + Stackable Header Kit
- Seeedstudio Grove Base Shield
- Seeedstudio Grove Light Sensor (A0), PIR Motion Sensor (D8) and Sound Sensor (A2)
- Arduino IDE:
- Select the right Serial Port
- Include the library for the Adafruit PN532 RFID/NFC Shield:
- Flash the arduino/arduino.ino sketch
Hardware needed: External USB sound card with microphone (in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf set options snd-usb-audio index=0
- Flash your Raspberry Pi with Raspbian
- Connect it to the internet, make sure all packages are up to date
- Copy raspberry/ to /home/pi
- Make it executable and execute it (as root)
- wait :)
- reboot
- After restarting the service on the Raspberry Pi the Julius speech recognition doesn't work any more
- Android Browser sometimes fails to establish a Socket.IO connection. This may possibly be solved by upgrading to Socket.IO 1.0