Steps for executing the project***

  1. The UID of RFID Cards is fetched using the Tag Reading Program
  2. The UID of the RFID Tags observed in the serial monitor should be noted down
  3. The sketch for Arduino Uno checks for the authenticity of the RFID Tags
  4. The information about the card is sent to the ESP8266
  5. The ESP8266 publishes the data received on the serial port to the Adafruit IO cloud
  6. The data can be retrieved from the feed of Adafruit IO

Working Principle** Low Freq and High Freq RFID Tags: Inductive Coupling (Near Field Coupling)

Ultra High Freq RFID Tags: Electromagnetic coupling (Far Field Coupling)

Radio waves sent by RFID Reader serve 3 purposes:

  1. Induces power in passive RFID Tag
  2. Synchronization clock to tag
  3. Act as carrier for return data from tag

Near Field Coupling: ->Field generated by RFID Reader couples with antenna of RFID Tag ->Because of this mutual coupling voltage is induced across the coil of RFID Tag ->Some portion of this voltage is rectified and used as power supply for the mcu and memory elements ->Volatge induced in coil is also of particular frequency as RFID reader sends radio waves of particular frequency ->Now if we place a load across the coil the current will start flowing ->If we change impedence then current value will change too ->If we switch the load on and off the current will switch on and off too ->This switching of current also generates voltage in RFID Tag ->This is called load modulation ->If we switch the load on and off according to the data stored in the card then data can be read by Reader in the form of voltage